View Full Version : My thoughts on ONR.

10-17-2006, 07:47 PM
First of all before I start I`d like to thank each and every member of this site for sharing their knowledge and experiences with everyone. I have been lurking here for the past 4 years and just recently formally registered to the site. I felt that I am no expert and should not give any public advice to people about techniques, products, etc. I don`t want anyone thinking this is a SPAM post because my first post is one promoting a product. Anyhow thank you to all members of Autopia.

On to the review...

I received my first gallon of ONR today. The reason for ordering being that I was looking for an alternative to winter washing. Being that it`s not quite winter yet, like most of us here, we are anxious to try out a new product as soon as we get it.

Here in Pittsburgh, PA it`s getting a bit on the cold side and fall has set in at full force. Being that it rained all day today, my daily commuter was a perfect candidate to test ONR. This car is about 85% marr free, haven`t polished it in about a year. The car also gets nothing but klasse SG as an LSP because it`s kept outside and sees nothing but 100 miles of highway 5 days a week.

The process was:

Spray down entire car from top to bottom using a One Gallon chemical sprayer (mixed 1 oz on ONR) and let this sit while I prepared my wash buckets.

Using the 2 bucket method with real lambswool mitt.

Waffle weaves for drying.

The first thing I noticed was while using the chemical sprayer the dirt seemed to just melt off the car, very impressive. Actually when I came back with the wash buckets there wasn`t much dirt left on the car. Continued to wash the car with the two bucket method from the top down, one panel at a time drying the panel immediately after washing.

ONR is impressively slick across the surface with excellent cleaning ability. However being that it`s fall in Pennsylvania leaves and small twigs like to stick to the surface especially after it rains. Some leaves did slide off when ONR came in contact but not the marority of them. Carefully picking them off I continued.

After drying ONR left a slick streak free finish. However I have found a draw back to ONR. The car I was testing this on is Yellow, as we all know bugs and insects are naturally drawn to a yellow car. But this was suprising after I had presoaked the car with ONR mix I came back with my buckets and found literally hundreds of fleas all over the car and dead. My guess is they are attracted by the scent of it which those of you that have used ONR isn`t the greatest. Even after drying the fleas kept coming, literally hundreds all over the car. Thinking maybe its the color I tried a panel on the red corvette in the garage, sure enough fleas, landing only on that panel???

Although my work car doesn`t have swirls it does have a few light marrs here and there, washing with ONR and checking with my Brinkmann it doesn`t appear that ONR added any additional marring to the car, suprising I was skeptical about this.

So in conclusion I highly recommend this product to anyone. With the exception of the fleas it`s a wonderful product to have in your arsenal. This will be my go to wash in the winter months, however the fleas continue to be attracted to the finish in the summer I will go back to my normal washing techniques.

Hopes this helps someone and happy detailing.

10-17-2006, 07:50 PM
Welcome and great write up!

10-17-2006, 07:53 PM
Umm, where were all the fleas coming from?

10-17-2006, 08:02 PM
Umm, where were all the fleas coming from?

Good question, it`s been pretty cold here for the past week so you would think they wouldn`t be around. I live very close to wooded areas, and being that it was a bit warmer today, I guess they`re still around???

When doing the panel on the corvette the garage door was left open and sure enough they were coming into the garage and landing on the panel that I washed? I know it`s strange as this has never occured before with anything I`ve used???

10-17-2006, 08:06 PM
Wow, I hate fleas man, like fleas and ticks with a passion. Give me the itches

10-18-2006, 12:41 AM
Maybe you`ve stumbled onto a new use for ONR, flea killer!