View Full Version : Safe D-Greaser

10-16-2006, 04:42 PM
Just got my sample and I was wondering what people use as far as dilution rates. If you could also give me some of the things you use it for I would appreciate it very much.


10-16-2006, 04:45 PM
If you`re talking about Meg`s Detailer Line........I used it 4:1 on wheels and wheel wells. 10:1 on carpets and plastics.

I use Purple Power found in Advanced Auto. 9.98 for 2.5 gallons and I use the same ratios and get the same results. No shipping either.

Try it out. You can get a spray bottle full for 4 bucks.

10-16-2006, 06:22 PM
Hi I was wondering if there are any otc products i can use on my tires besides the expensive when and tire cleaners? I need something that’s idiot proof and I can’t do any damage like leaving a white haze or anything harmful.

Thanks for the help


10-16-2006, 06:40 PM
Any other information? Sounded like a good product that`s why I ordered it.


10-16-2006, 06:58 PM
I use it 5:1. I like it for cleaning tires, wheel wells, the engine compartment, and exterior plastics. The reason I use Safe D-Greaser over other products is that it doesn`t seem to bleach plastic/rubber parts like some other degreasers. Yet, it`s still a strong enough cleaner for my purposes.

10-16-2006, 08:03 PM
If you`re talking about Meg`s Detailer Line........I used it 4:1 on wheels and wheel wells. 10:1 on carpets and plastics.

I use Purple Power found in Advanced Auto. 9.98 for 2.5 gallons and I use the same ratios and get the same results. No shipping either.

Try it out. You can get a spray bottle full for 4 bucks.

Hi Justin,

Any areas on the car that you have to avoid Purple Power on? How well does it work cleaning tires? I want a cleaner that`s stronger than car wash soap but safe for all surfaces...in particular, I want something I can regularly and economically use on tires and wheels.

I have a bottle of Eagle One Tire and Wheel cleaner (which is good but not economical in the long run.)

10-25-2006, 09:55 PM
bump to top

10-25-2006, 10:01 PM
I have a bottle of Eagle One Tire and Wheel cleaner (which is good but not economical in the long run.)

Good GOD this man speaks the truth. That is one of the best wheel and tire cleaners I`ve ever used, but the **** only lasts like 2 cars. Is there a way to buy it by the gallon? Thanks!