View Full Version : Valet Parking....ugh...

10-16-2006, 01:35 PM
Call me anal but I DREAD valet parking my car. I`ve heard too many horror stories and in the end, the establishment rarely takes responsiblity for any issues that may arise.......missing items in the car, door dings, scratches,etc. I would just rather bypass the whole thing, but some places DEMAND that you valet. I was at a place once and they demanded it was VALET ONLY even though I offered to park the car and not shaft them out of a tip. See some places don`t have enough parking so they basically jockey your car all night long to get cars in and out.

How is the best way to avoid this? I have a company dinner tomorrow night at this fancy place and really want to just park the damn car myself. I don`t want to start a scene though, ny advice???

10-16-2006, 01:57 PM
call a cab, then enjoy a beverage

10-16-2006, 02:47 PM
I share your concern. It really causes a lot of internal tension and stress when/if I face a valet situation. I barely trust my wife to drive my car, much less some min wage stranger I don`t even know!

Anyhow, can you park down the street from the place? Any other lots nearby you can pay to park?

10-16-2006, 06:30 PM
I agree with the two posts above; cab, park down the street, maybe get dropped off by a friend or relative or carpool to the dinner with other co-workers. I`ve heard my share of valet parking horror stories from the valet parkers themselves and they`d make any grown Autopian cry :cry:

10-16-2006, 06:41 PM
Take the *lesser* car.

As cool as it is to flaunt your flagship, it`s probably worth it to just bring whichever you care less about.

10-16-2006, 06:51 PM
You`ve seen Ferris Bueller, right? ;)

I agree with the others, take a cab or a car you care less about.

10-16-2006, 06:57 PM
I do valet at a Local Casino.. no lil restaurant here.. we have "computer valet parking system.. which we take pictures of the car when it goes in and out for evidence or whatnot.. yeah sometimes when I`m in a vette I`ll punch it a lil in first gear sometimes. heck i`ve driven a bentley,royce phantom... we will pay if it`s are fault

10-16-2006, 06:59 PM
Or, park in the lot next to the restaurant or accross the street. Since it`ll be in the evening, I`m sure you`ll find a space tucked away in the corner. If the clients you`re with say something when you leave like why you did that, just let them know you`re not a fan of valet parking because of a previous bad experience like a stolen radar detector or some B.S. thing like that. They`ll think nothing of it.

Even better, if you can slip in the restaurant lot from the back, you can avoid the valet guys and park your own car. When it comes time to leave just walk out the front and walk to your car, get in a drive away. If anyone says something, just say you came in the back and didn`t see the valet and still flip the guy like $2 or $3 for his troubles and apologize.

I do this all the time at my local mall on the busy weekends. It`s a pain in the a$$ to find a spot so I hop in a valet spot that rich lazy people ususally use. Works like a charm because there`s always a spot! But I`ve never been hasseled by a valet guy.

Five Star
10-16-2006, 09:27 PM
just rent a car for the day

the other pc
10-17-2006, 12:55 AM
just rent a car for the day

Wise advice.

Plus, you get to practice with the rotary!

10-17-2006, 12:46 PM
Heh heh, between this post and another recent, similar one, you guys have me all paranoid :D We took the S8 to our regular place Friday night and even though I trust the valet there (long-term experience, he knows me) I had a talk with him about stuff like fingernail scratches under the door handles being a no-no. He was cool, said "yeah, I know how you are about that stuff". I suspect my tip helps him keep it in mind, but he really is a conscientious guy. Still, I figure it didn`t hurt to remind him.

10-17-2006, 01:12 PM
I was at a place once and they demanded it was VALET ONLY even though I offered to park the car and not shaft them out of a tip.

I work as a valet sometimes. A lot of times valets can`t let you park your car in the lot w/ the valeted cars for liability reasons. It`s one thing if the valet company messes up someone`s car, but another thing if they let someone park their own car in the lot and they end up messing up someone`s car.

Having worked as a valet, I will never valet my car. The majority of people parking cars are not the car fanatics that the members of this forum are.

There`s not really a whole lot you can do if it`s valet only. From my experience, I suggest either taking a car that you don`t mind valeting (if that`s an option) or if you can park farther away and walk.