View Full Version : Edge 2K adapter issue..

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10-15-2006, 12:41 AM
I bought the Edge2K kit to rid myself of velcro BPs.... Ive found myself another dilema.

This is the second time this has happened to me... each adapter (1st with the kit and 2nd as a replacement) has only lasted me two cars each. I think Ive only owned the whole kit for about a month.. I only detail on weekends.



The first time it happend I just called and was given a replacement. I was given a free replacement but since I had a customer to take care of the following weekend I paid a shipping charge to make sure it was in my hands by the weekend, replacement was offered with ground shipping from FL.. Im in CA... no biggie it was only $10. However.. after 2 cars, again, I had another failure. I went to take the orange pad off because it was acting erratically (just like the first time) and wouldnt ya know it... just like the first time.. 2 ball bearings hit the ground. :(

I really really reallllllllllllly like this pad set and want this kit to work for me... but I also really hate having to revert back to my old BP to finish a job with old "backup" pads. FWIW Im not making this post to bash Edge.... but I want to get to the bottom of this and find out if anyone is seeing the same.

Is anyone having this same issue or is it just me?????????

HELP! I have to :waxing: next weekend! (Calling Aaron tomorrow.. or monday.)

10-15-2006, 04:05 AM
I haven`t had this problem yet but lately I have noticed that it`s been really tough for me to put the pad on and off. I have to push it in really hard for it to snap in/out, so I`m hoping I won`t have this same problem.

The shipping for Edge is pretty slow. Hope you don`t have to reschedule your detail.

Not sure if Aaron was too busy to remember, but months ago he was talking about creating a new washmitt from foam pads and he was to send me one so I can sample it. Never went through.

10-15-2006, 05:46 AM
just buy one from autogeek with the 15% off coupon. today is the last day btw.


Honestly thats the only way your going to get your part in time. AG stands behind their products, and if you send pics of a malfunctioned item, youll get a new one. Like when my BP blew apart, they sent another one out pronto.

10-15-2006, 08:42 AM
The adapters are guaranteed for life on their website so I would just call Edge on Monday and get a new one. They have a great reputation for standing behind their products.

10-15-2006, 08:52 AM
Contact Aaron at EDGE.

He will take care of it fast. I used my first adapter on over 70+ cars. It did become tough to remove the pads and he sent me another. Beats the back plate coming apart.

10-15-2006, 11:20 AM
I had this exact same issue, Called Aaron at edge and a new one was ups`d to me that day.

He is very very intrested in seeing these. I will send him mine as soon as the new one arrives.

Do not use it, as the nipple extends significantly further than it used to. Give Aaron a call and or use msn messenger to get a hold of them.

Great service.

10-15-2006, 12:50 PM
Thanks guys...

I have no doubt Edge/Aaron will take care of this but I was just a little concerned that it happened 2 times in a total of only 4 cars.

Matter of fact I was going to get ahold of you Justin to ask if you had seen this before. I know you detail a lot of cars and use Edge2K on all of them.

Thanks again and Ill be contacting Aaron soon.. I might just order a second adapter just to have a backup. In a couple weeks I have a car club that wants me to detail 4 cars in 2 days... I dont want to get stranded while Im there. :eek:

10-15-2006, 01:18 PM
I`ve got 2 extras just in case. Can never have to many backups!

10-15-2006, 02:26 PM
As others have said already, contacting Aaron is the best thing to do. I`m sure the place you bought the adapter from would be willing to replace it as well, but talking to Aaron will help get to the bottom of what is causing the problem.

I know I`ve been using the Edge system for months and thankfully this has not happened to me. Maybe there is something Aaron can suggest that will help the adapter last for you.

Also, just out of curiousity . . . at what speed do you usually polish with your PC? 5? 6?

10-15-2006, 03:47 PM
I`m certainly one of Edge`s biggest fans. I happen to have an extra adapter for those just in case moments. This past week when using mine I noticed that it is becoming increasingly hard to mount and dismount pads. I was going to spray a little Fluid Film in it to see if this helps. I was just assuming that it had gotten some dried polish and gunk in it. Upon close inspection I see nothing wrong with the adapter though it is stiff to use.

10-15-2006, 04:23 PM
Wierd, haven`t had either of those issues with my set (stiffness, balls popping out). Though I don`t detail for a living, only our cars so most of you I`m sure put yours through harder use even though I`ll run mine at speeds 5-6.

10-15-2006, 05:37 PM
WOW! I just had the exact same problem with mine today. 2 of the bearings came out on mine as well. I had on the orange pad and the pad started wobbling pretty bad. I regularly detail on speed 6 and had been using the pc for about 6 hours before this happened. Recently, the pad was extremely hard to take off of the adapter. I also noticed very small amount of metal shavings that looked like glitter on the paint right before it started to wobble. Lucky it all happened very quickly and I shut the pc off before any severe marring occured. What is the website or phone number for the guys at Edge? I too have a detail this weekend (actually a few during the week but dont necessarily need the PC) and I need the replacement adapter ASAP.

10-15-2006, 05:43 PM
Aaron`s website is EdgePads dot com. I`m sure his phone number is listed on the website.

I think Justin had a great idea with the "backup" adapter. If you`re doing this for a living you certainly don`t want to be out of commision for any length of time. Even if you were using a traditional velcro backing plate it could fail. So, a backup is a great idea. I think the $18 for a second adapter would be a great investment were I a professional detailer.

10-15-2006, 06:28 PM
Also, just out of curiousity . . . at what speed do you usually polish with your PC? 5? 6?

The first one failed at speed 5 only. The second failed during the use of speed 6, although I was only using speed 6 for parts of the detail. I normally use speed 5 on all of the cars I detail but the one I did yesterday was a weatherd black 95 Mustang GT with a lot of issues.

I knew the 2nd one was failing only because it started acting like the first one did when it failed. The ocilation of the pad that you can visibly see stopped and you had to really fanagle the angle to make it spin, even on perfectly flat panels. It reminded me of when BP starts to fail. FWIW when I took the pad off after it started acting funny it was extremely hard to remove, the button was really hard to press. As soon as the pad came off the bearings fell out.

Another thing I noticed is when the adapter was new and the pad was installed the pad was firm in place.. meaning you could grab the face of the pad and it wouldnt wiggle side to side. I noticed both times the adapter failed that before removing the pad the pad tolerance to side to side wiggling was compromised... it would slightly giggle side to side. Im guessing because the ball bearings were detached from the adapter but still being held in place by the plastic pad center.

10-15-2006, 06:35 PM
Hmmm . . . I`m just really curious about your situation because I am a fellow Edge user. I`m wondering if I`m doing something different than you or if you just keep getting bad adapters because I have done way more than two cars with my adapter and it has not failed or showed symptoms of failing to this point (although it probably will now that I`ve said something :doh ).

So, you polish mostly at speed 5, but sometimes at speed 6? Do you exert downward pressure on the machine while polishing? Do you ever tilt the pad or do you keep it flat at all times?

I would love to hear what Aaron has to say about this when you call him.