View Full Version : Combination of Optimum Compound and Werkstatt Prime Strong?

10-11-2006, 11:14 PM
In my research here, I`ve seen that people use a combo of OC, OP and a 50/50 mix of OC/OP for 3 levels of cut. I already have JW Prime:Strong, can I use that as a replacement of OP and just buy OC?

I have Edge 2K 6" DA Green and Blue Pads with a PC. Can I use the OC to remove the marring and then use P:S to finish? Will that combo work?

I have a black Honda Accord with marring due to washing/overzealous QDing (I guess.) The scratches can`t be felt and are only visible in direct light. In 2 separate attempts, the P:S by itself with the Edge Blue pad hasn`t made a dent in the marring.

Also, do you think it`s possible to combine OC and P:S give me that in between strength?

10-12-2006, 12:30 AM
You should be able to go from OC to Prime Strong, maybe use OC with a cutting then a polishing pad and PS with a finishing pad.

I have no idea about mixing them. :nixweiss

10-12-2006, 02:56 PM
Thanks, Scott. As always, you are a fount of information.

Anyone else with an opinion (to my question, thank you.)