View Full Version : Quick Lesson 101 On Rules/help

10-10-2006, 08:29 PM
I recently made some our purchases on klasse AIN, SG, and S100 as suggested. Is it better to buffer the wax on or off or both? To be honest I don`t have a porter cable so my buffer sucks, and I have had better results buffing off by hand with a microfiber towel. Instructions on both don`t talk about using a porter cable/buffer. So I would like some guidance from some who knows how to apply and remove both KLASSE AIN and SG and then S100 for best results.

Also my props to whoever came up with the idea of using the klasse SG mixed with distilled water in spray bottle as a quick detailer, that works great!!! If anyone has a better quick detailer let me know.


10-10-2006, 09:05 PM
I machine apply and hand buff on removal. I`ve never had goodluck machine removing as the MF pad gets gummed and clogged up.

10-10-2006, 10:02 PM
I`m with GUY here. If you were not already able to figure this out from the vast ammount of threads concerning application of AIO/KSG - not having a PC won`t kill you. In fact it will hardly hinder your progress at all. I use a PC with a white or black pad to apply the AIO, but I remove it by hand.

I made the mistake of trying to put KSG on with a PC, and I am still, to this day, sore from trying to buff out the stupid thick layer I applied.

KSG by hand with a damp mf applicator, stupid thin coats, stupid to the point where your asking yourself - is it even on there ? Multiple passes with your applicator will assure you it is. Doing it this way makes it a breeze to remove, wait 10 hours and keep the car in a garage and the following day your ready to top it with more KSG or follow up with your s100.

Personally I find yellow foam applicators misted with a qd (but dont use yout KSG/H20 detailer for this) really helps apply the thin coat of carnuba.

Hope this helps . . .