View Full Version : What the BEEP did I do!!

10-06-2006, 11:32 AM
So last weekend I decided to wax the car one last time. I washed and dried the car. Then decided to clay some bad spots in the hood (bad bug gut stuff). Then to cut down on some minor inperfections and to get all the old wax off I used SFX-3 and a Sonus DAS blue pad. After that I followed up with AIO on a blue pad and then SG on a blue peral hand applicator. The car looked perfect under garage light and I did not see anything but my really deep stuff that I can get out under the hallogen.

So today was the first sunny day all week. I pull the car out and look what I got to look at.

What the BEEP did I do? I dont think its left over SG. Its all over the dam car. I keep all my detailing stuff as hospital clean as posible so I dont know what is wrong. I`m so mad. Its a 100k black car but still that was not there last week. :cry: (yes the car is a little dusty after days)




I just dont understand. Looks like someone used a rotary and messed up bad. AHAHAh I think I still have much to learn. Thanks for the help guys.

10-06-2006, 11:40 AM
Looks like you are not working the product in long engouh to me. Or possibly even too long.

10-06-2006, 11:48 AM
Are you using a PC or rotary?

10-06-2006, 11:52 AM
That doesn`t look good to me. What towels did you use to remove the products?? Was your pad clean?

The last 2 pics looks like you used a crummy towel and pressed way to hard.

Or you didn`t use enough product on the pad? and worked it too long?

10-06-2006, 12:10 PM
you use a rotary?

10-06-2006, 12:15 PM
They look like rotary holagrams

10-06-2006, 12:31 PM
Try cleaning it down to bare paint with 50:50 water/isopropyl alcohol and then rewaxing. I`ve seen holograms like that from waxes, glazes, etc that weren`t worked in or wiped off properly.

10-06-2006, 12:36 PM
MAYBE it was there before you detailed it. You just ended up unmasking it with your detail... Did you use a rotory?

10-06-2006, 01:31 PM
When I last used a rotary on my hood and rear deck, I used Meguiar`s #3 glaze and it made a hologram similar looking to that. I clayed it again and then I used some Meguiar`s Scratch-X and it buffed out the haze/hologram. After that I used AOI and the paint looks absoltely perfect.

10-06-2006, 03:27 PM
They look like rotary holagrams

Ok guys just to clarify some things. No I did not use a rotary but a PC. I made the rotary comment because it looks like rotar holgrams that I have seen other member post up.

I`m 99% sure that they were not there pre-detail. When I polished I used the SFX-3 polish on the Sonus blue pad. Set to about 4.5. I just did this to get off some light marks and to take the old wax off (maybe next time use 50:50 to take wax off?). I then used another clean blue sonus pad to put on the AIO. Here is where I`m thinking my problem might be. I did wet the pad with a QD spray and after ever panel or so I would put another 2 drops of AIO on the pad. Every now and then the pad would get dry so I would mist it again with QD spray. Also I used a new sonus buffing towels for each product. Some of these towels have stains and even are more orange after and red single step car. But they have all been washed useing Sonus wonder wash. I think my main problem is the AIO and the PC. The marks look to uniform to be done by hand.

Who knows. Looks like there went my Sunday (again). Now after every panel I think I`m going to check with the halogen light to see if I`m messing anything up. I only looked at the paint with the halogen when useing the polish and not the AIO or SG step.

10-06-2006, 07:12 PM
that looks kinda like when i dont use enough lube when i clay.the clay rubs marks on the paint.

10-06-2006, 08:29 PM
That looks exactly like what I just posted about when I clayed my hood Sunday, except the entire hood pretty much looked like that.

10-06-2006, 08:33 PM
Yeah I`m also going to say it`s probably from the clay. I`ve had that happen before with clay. Could also be dust/dirt on the pad too.

10-06-2006, 11:03 PM
I figured it out. Its just a ton of left over SG. No idea what I did. Just tested the door with some QD spray and the marks went away. Under the halogen light it looks much more like left over product and not some massive mark. So now that I have figured out the problem what is the best way to fix it? I think by washing the car it should take care of must of the stuff.

But lets review my Klasse SG application process just to make sure Im doing it right. I got the applicator a little damp with regular water (does it hurt to re-wet the applicator if it becomes dry?). Then I tried to use a drop or 2 a panel of SG. But you guys know how that stuff comes out of there like water. I think this could have been my problem useing too much SG. Live and learn at least its nothing too bad. Any other ideas? Thanks for the help!