View Full Version : Secret Decoder Ring SPREADSHEET!

10-04-2006, 11:31 AM

Added 8 new acronyms & descriptions.

So... I`ve been trying to keep up with all the abbrevs and acronyms on Autopia. It`s a daunting task!

So... I had an idea. :think2 How about dumping all this into a spreadsheet, that I could keep updated and would be SEARCHABLE!?

I`ve had this XLS going for a while, adding acronyms as I see them appear. And thought that I`d share it with y`all. It`s a zipped MS Excel spreadsheet. I used WinZip to zip. I`ve attached it to this message.

Hope you find it useful. :hifive:



10-04-2006, 12:22 PM
I was thinking of a similar idea, but some one creating a `wiki-topia` page that people would be able to create the decoder. and have firefoxes aux search bar (the top right one) beable to search in it.

10-04-2006, 03:05 PM
*prints out and pins worlds longest acronym sheet pertaining to one subject to his desk*