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09-30-2006, 09:32 PM
I wear glasses at night to watch TV and read in bed. I am wondering when it is beneficial to get high index lenses vs. traditional polycarbonate lenses. I am guessing that the increased cost of high index would be a waste of money for someone like me who only wears glasses one or two hours a day. Anyone knowledgeable as to what the cost differential is in high index over traditional materials and at what prescription level does it make sense to go high index. I am about -4.75 in both eyes, and have just selected glasses with a very small frame size so hopefully centering on the lens material will make them thin.

Setec Astronomy
09-30-2006, 11:33 PM
High index?

10-01-2006, 02:06 PM
IIRC "high index" is (*very* short version) when they make the lens thinner.

I dunno about the cost issue, but I`d get them. My Rx was higher (~6.5) but what a difference between bottle-bottoms and thin lenses! You might end up wearing them more than you think (I did, once I got thin lenses in good frames). I was concerned about acuity issues, and you *do* have to have a good lab for high index lenses, but I was really happy with mine. Small frames + thick lenses? No thanks, but that`s just IMO of course...

10-01-2006, 02:38 PM
I slept on it, went back today and totally upgraded. Some nicer frames and high index lenses. They look nice on me I think, and you may be right Accumulator...I may end up wearing them more because I actually like them. My current ones are just too old and out of style.

10-02-2006, 01:33 PM
Since we`re on the topic of glasses, I just got a pair and the reflections on the insides of them are driving me nuts. Do the anti-reflection coatings work?

10-02-2006, 08:40 PM
Some lenses come coated from the factory, and if you have high index lenses then anti-glare coating is recommended as that is one of the biggest things to combat when using a lens with a higher refractive index.

10-03-2006, 10:10 AM
KevinA- And sometimes the anti-reflective coatings seem to have an...uhm..."effect" similar to reflections! It`s weird and hard to explain, but it`s like a greenish/sometimes purple reflection-like effect. Generally it was still an option I preferred though.

Tasty- I think you made a smart decision there. I was shocked when I saw pictures of myself in my old and new frames, man I should`ve upgraded long before I did :o We get used to things, if you know what I mean...I pretty much quit wearing contacts after I got good frames and I *never* thought I`d do that.

10-03-2006, 10:59 AM
Yeah you get a funny purple greenish reflection on polarized lenses with anti reflective coatings but your eyes get used to it and compensate a lot easier than the sharp clear reflections you get without it.

Coatings have become so hi tech now that they last the life of the eyewear.

10-05-2006, 09:53 AM
Okay, I think I`ll price the anti-reflective coating and see how it goes.

Thanks for everyones input!

10-05-2006, 10:48 AM
I would love to get my hands on a good pair of frames and retire my contact lenses until I want to wear them.

Any suggestions as to where to look online to try and get an idea for what I need for the shape of my face, or even a website that allows you to upload a picture of your face and click the frames...kinda like a tire-rack for my face? :)

It seems everytime I try on a part of glasses I do not like the look...and I get frustrated when looking in the mirror and just leave the store. Thanks guys.

Here`s a pic of my ugly mug if you can reccomend a pair or frame style I should be looking for.


Corey Bit Spank
10-09-2006, 02:12 PM
Go to a GOOD eyeglass place. There is one here that is amazing. They are always getting in new frames. They`re a bit pricey, but it`s worth it. I walk in and they remember my name. I need to order sun glasses soon.

The anti-glare coating has come a long way, and isn`t prone to the scratching as much as the old coatings were. You sometimes get green, but you get used to it. Sometimes I see halos around lights, but it`s not really noticeable unless you`re completely bored at a stop light and have enough time to notice. It`s definitely worth it.

I love wearing glasses. I`m not sure why, but I would feel awkward without them on.

10-09-2006, 02:33 PM
Go to a GOOD eyeglass place. There is one here that is amazing. They are always getting in new frames. They`re a bit pricey, but it`s worth it. ..

Yeah, what he said :xyxthumbs Absolutely makes all the difference.

I love wearing glasses. I`m not sure why, but I would feel awkward without them on.

I know what you mean. I was astounded when that didn`t happen after I got LASIK; I thought I`d feel weird without glasses after over 30 years with them, but nope, after a few days it was like I`d never worn them :nixweiss

Joshua312- If possible, take a female friend, one who will give you the straight truth, along with you. Sometimes other people see you differently than you see yourself and a woman`s opinion can be more worthwhile than another guy`s ;)

10-10-2006, 08:41 AM
Sometimes other people see you differently than you see yourself and a woman`s opinion can be more worthwhile than another guy`s ;)

Yeah, you don`t want a buddy saying "You really look hot in those frames". :bolt :hide:

Sorry, I couldn`t resist.

10-10-2006, 09:26 AM
Joshua312- If possible, take a female friend, one who will give you the straight truth, along with you.

haha Thanks! I`ve taken my girlfriend before and we looked but I just couldn`t agree on any of the frames. I will have to try again or look next time I go to the eye doctor.

10-10-2006, 10:57 AM
I`ve taken my girlfriend before and we looked but I just couldn`t agree on any of the frames. I will have to try again...

Heh heh, sometimes when we don`t agree with what women suggest, well, that`s a clue ;)