View Full Version : What`ve you found in people`s vehicles?

09-28-2006, 08:42 PM
I think people usually "clear" out their vehicles before I detail them, but several times now I`ve been shocked to find reminants of "the funny stuff" (pot) in the vehicles of older, corporate professionals. Sometimes the reminants are barely detectable, but I have a well trained eye since I did graduate UCSB :chuckle:

I once even came a across a large stash of pot that was apparently a subscription under the medical marijuana act.

I`m sure there have been many better "finds" out there, so let`s hear it.

imported_Tex Star Detail
09-28-2006, 08:47 PM
Hmmmm.....Let`s see....

Used tampond



Old food and bowls forks

And a rusty razor blade, that was under a seat. I reached under the seat to clear the aweful trash, and I grabbed a hand full, and slice.....there goes my tip of my finger....hanging there..... Bled everywhere....LOL

Went to the hospital to get it put back together and get a tetinus(sp?) shot......

David Fermani
09-28-2006, 09:00 PM
I could have put my 1st born through college if I saved all the loose change I found in dealership vehicles. Several thousands of dollars.

09-28-2006, 09:35 PM
search the pro detailes forum Whole thread on it.

09-28-2006, 10:36 PM
Herb, coke, lingerie, unused razor blades, glass pot pipe, other peoples drivers licenses, wallet lost for months on end, banking receipts, dimes, ball point pen caps, paperclips, and tons and tons of sand are the item I have found in vehicles. Some more typical than others!

09-28-2006, 11:38 PM
Hmmmm.....Let`s see....

Used tampond



Old food and bowls forks

And a rusty razor blade, that was under a seat. I reached under the seat to clear the aweful trash, and I grabbed a hand full, and slice.....there goes my tip of my finger....hanging there..... Bled everywhere....LOL

Went to the hospital to get it put back together and get a tetinus(sp?) shot......

That`s my biggest fear :eek: Fortunately it hasn`t happened to me yet.

And I don`t mean cutting my finger, I`m referring to the used rubbers.

09-28-2006, 11:53 PM
This wasnt during detailing but back when i was working at toyota, i found a gun in the driver side door compartment. Pretty cool. Looked almost futuristic, not the ordinary looking gun.

10-02-2006, 11:25 AM
you think they left that there for you to give you a hint about the kind of job they were expecting you to do on their vehicle . . . j/k

10-02-2006, 12:19 PM
Pissed interiors, Stiff dirty old discolored socks, and up until now, the nastiest thing I`ve seen is used baby wipes with skid stains..