View Full Version : My first Detail

09-28-2006, 06:21 PM
OK, partial detail at this point. With an 18 month old and getting ready for another in two months I don`t have lots of time to dedicate, so I still have the interior to finish up, as well as a few other things like trying to polish the headlights. I wasn`t trying to get it perfect, just learning the PC, but I think it looks 100% better. I was able to remove probably 80% of the swirls, but still have a lot of random scratches from 9 years of highway driving that one pass didn`t quite remove. The finish is nice and smooth, and noticably deeper green. I didn`t think to take it outside between the sealant and wax, so not sure if Natty`s made much of a difference.

1996 Cutlass

Washed with Meg`s Deep Crystal


1 pass with OHC via Wolfgang Orange pad

2 coats EX-P (first via Gray pad, second by hand)

1 coat Natty`s Blue

sprayed tires with Meg`s Hot Shine

This is the only before pic I bothered to show. Due to the old 2.1 MP camera, it doesn`t due justice in showing the difference. But I think this shot shows how rather blah the paint looked compared the after shots.


Next up is a shot after I did half the hood (top half in pic). Not a great pic, but I think you can see the improvement.


These are all afters. This first one shows all the years of road rash.









09-28-2006, 06:26 PM
Nice job!!! Keep it up. Awsome flake pop.

09-28-2006, 06:44 PM
Looks really good for a 10 y/o vehicle, nice to see something that old in such good shape. IMO you should have used a finishing polish after OHC, I find there is no way it finishes down LSP ready.

09-28-2006, 07:27 PM
Thanks for the kind words! I planned to use OP, but I really wanted to finish it up and move on to the other two cars. I probably don`t have the eye of detail yet being my first time, but I thought the OHC finished pretty well. I will be spending whatever time is needed on the others, so hopefully they will turn out even better.

09-28-2006, 07:56 PM
Looks really good for a 10 y/o vehicle, nice to see something that old in such good shape. IMO you should have used a finishing polish after OHC, I find there is no way it finishes down LSP ready.

I find that on really metallicy cars, it finishes down good enough for a daily driver. The flake will cover any micromarring you might get.

09-28-2006, 07:58 PM
Yeah, I don`t have a good set of lights yet either, so I`m sure that would show more that I didn`t see. But I wanted to move on to the other cars anyway since it looks like it could take a week or more to do them, and snow will be flying soon. I think it was a worthy start.

09-28-2006, 08:39 PM
Nice! And you are only going to get better!

09-28-2006, 11:34 PM
Pretty hard paint to finish down that well with OHC and an orange pad!

Love that last flash shot! :)

09-30-2006, 02:42 AM
Great job never seen a cutlass with flakes, neither in good condition.

09-30-2006, 11:36 AM
Those babies are gonna be riding around in style!!! Excellent work for your first time!!!