View Full Version : Getting ready to jump into Zaino, need advice fast

09-21-2006, 08:48 PM

I`ve decided to take the jump and try Zaino. I am doing a friend`s brand spanking new silver 350Z and have NO clue as to Z5 & Z2. What I see discussed here doesn`t neccessarily jibe with what I see on their website.

What I need is to provide as much protection possible for a new silver 350Z. I have SG, but frankly, it is a huge pain in the butt and you need to wait 24 hours to put on additional layers. I thought about Jeff`s, but the ability to put 3 coats on in one day, and have them cure quickly pushed me towards the Zaino. Well, that and the fact there are lots of good references for it here.

The car belongs to our old babysitter, who is now in college and her dad is delivering it to her next Friday. I am guessing I need to go with Z2 and ZFX so I can put 3 coats on in a day. Once I have 3 coats on, is there any added protection by going further? Do I really need Z5 on a new car? Again, I need this to last a LONG time.

If someone could guide me in the right direction, I would be greatly appreciative.



09-21-2006, 08:57 PM
You can apply Acrylic Jett layers 20 minutes apart. Honestly though, the whole layering thing is way overrated. Two thin applications of any product to ensure complete coverage is enough. 3 coats of Zaino or any other sealant isn`t really going to protect any better than 1 good coat.

I`d just go with a single layer Z2 Pro w/ZFX (unless they are willing to pay for 3 layers) and follow with Z8. Just maintain with proper washing and Z8 every other wash.

09-21-2006, 09:09 PM
Scott, I would do the same, but as this is a college girl, I don`t see proper wash and Z8 every other time figuring into this. I really need this to last a long time.

Additionally, this one is gratis, on me. She`s been our babysitter for 6 years and is really one of the family. She stops to see our kids when she is on vacation and takes my kids to her house to swim in the summer. I told her this is my present to her and I just want to make sure the protection lasts as long as I can make it. I`ve always questioned the layering theory myself, but if Zaino claims it will last longer if you layer it, I`m willing to try!



09-21-2006, 09:15 PM
since the car is new you don`t need Z5pro. I`d suggest ZFX, Z2pro,Z6 and Z8(optional) . After using the Z on her car you`ll probably want to use it again. ZPC is nice but if you have other polishes you don`t need to order it. Just do a 50a/50w wipedown to get rid of any oils.

Thomas Dekany
09-21-2006, 09:17 PM
too bad you are far away - I`d have given you some $fk1 #1000 - last upto a year on daily drivers and looks fantastic.

09-22-2006, 12:20 AM
I honestly don`t think there is going to be an appreciable difference between 1 and 3 layers, that`s all. Either should get her through winter with minimal effort.

Why not show her how easy Z8 is to use once a month? I am sure she could handle it or con some guy at college into doing it for her. ;)

09-22-2006, 06:56 AM
Why not show her how easy Z8 is to use once a month? I am sure she could handle it or con some guy at college into doing it for her. ;)

Excellent suggestion and maybe some Z7 and a washing set-up (mitt, WW MF and nice bucket) also.

One coat of Z2PRO or Z5PRO (on silver I personally would use Z5PRO for it`s added depth and wetness) will give great durable protection.

Two coats will increase protection but more importantly insure complete coverage.

Three coats makes this the gift you want to give a family friend and care-giver to your children with the extra "POP" that will separate her 350Z from the others on campus. Especially after a couple of weeks without TLC.

After washing the application of 3 coats of Z2PRO will take only about 2 hours. Since you will be using ZFX, you can apply the frosting the same day. :D

Z5PRO alone and still glossy and reflective.


09-22-2006, 08:05 AM
I`d do the several coats of zaino as intended. It does provide an extra bit of protection as well as assure you have good coverage. Even maybe top with a real wax. You are going to want to talk to her about a few things. She needs to know how to properly wash the car, more importantly show her a car with swirls and tell her how that happens. Undoubtedly she will have some boyfiend who "knows all about cars" try to take it some some coin wash or just scrub it with some sponge. An after wash spray wax wouldn`t be a bad idea.