View Full Version : need help with a faded area after using 3m perfect-It II

09-19-2006, 11:40 PM
First, just to let you guys know what I have done.

1) Wash with NXT

2) Clayed with Clay magic

3) Use PC/white pad wtih 3m Perfect-It II polishing Glaze for dark car entire car (black prelude)

I followed directions of the video clip featuring the XMT products.

4) Wolfgang Deep Gloss paint sealant

5) Top with P21S paste wax

OK, now the problem is there is a spot on the rear quarter panel about half foot by half foot that is somewhat faded. Any idea how to fix it? Could this be burn in the paint? I was using the PC 7424. I didn`t leave it at one spot at anytime. Constantly moving it. There is also another problem. There are spots on the car that has many many fine scratches. Could this be that I didn`t work those area long enough?

Need help guys. thx I have attached a pic as well. The really whtie part is the flash of the camera. you can kinda see the faded part aroundt the flash portion

09-20-2006, 10:23 AM
I think you`re going to have a hard time getting any responses with a pic like that. Try to get a pic that actually shows the paint issues.

09-20-2006, 10:56 AM
alude- Welcome to Autopia!

Sorry, but I can`t tell from the picture either. It can be tough to capture a problem just right in a photo to where people can see what`s going on...

The PC generally won`t damage paint and the product you used isn`t all that aggressive. Sorry, but I haven`t tried that product so I`m not sure how it behaves. I suspect the scratches are from either not breaking the product down completely or are just too severe for it to get out without more work.

In the future, I`d do more (very careful) inspecting between steps so you spot stuff like that before you get your Wolfgang/P21s on.

Wonder if the area of fading has been repainted...lots of stuff can happen that you might not expect; cars get painted when they`re "new" and the dealers never say anything...then it shows up later.

09-22-2006, 09:53 AM
Keep in mind that black Honda paint is extremely vulnerable to clear coat failure - more so than any other paint out there - by far!. You may be seeing the start of loosing your clear coat.

That polish is extremely mild...while some slightly noticable micromarring could be evident if you didn`t work the polish long enough, I really don`t think this is what you could be seeing. Also, the entire lineup of 3M polishes have an inherent problem - if you work them for too long and the product begins to dry...they are a nightmare to get off the paint...so this is another possiblity.