View Full Version : Old Zaino Z5 vs. New Zaino Z5-Pro

09-19-2006, 03:31 PM
I have about a 1/4 of a bottle of the old Zaino Z5 left... is the new Z5-Pro a lot better then the old Z5? So basically I`m asking if it`s worth it to just go buy the new Z5-Pro and ditch my old Z5.



09-19-2006, 04:04 PM
Z5 Pro is better than previous versions, but I`m sure you can find lots of uses for the remainder of your stock (ie. windows - home and auto, wheels, door jambs, etc.).

09-19-2006, 05:22 PM
the biggest difference is that Z5PRO dries faster than the older version and it has a slight bit more filling ability. If you`re happy with the older Z5 use it up but if you need to order anything else Z then get the Z5pro

09-20-2006, 09:02 PM
Zaino isnt my first choice of LSP. I`m still burning through some OLD Z2 and using Z1 with it. I reached for it last weekend for the first time in probably 2-3 years. My product hasnt gone bad, so I say use it up and then order more if you want.

09-20-2006, 10:27 PM
The new Z-5 Pro looks wetter which is the big thing for me. I can almost get close to Souveran in wetness if the surface is well prepped.


If you have not used the new Z-2 Pro with ZFX and Z-8, you don`t know what you are missing. It was a step change over the prior Z2/Z1 combo.

09-21-2006, 06:48 AM

If you have not used the new Z-2 Pro with ZFX and Z-8, you don`t know what you are missing. It was a step change over the prior Z2/Z1 combo.


I believe it, but I just cant justify spending money on another LSP when I have so many as it is. I have to go through what I have before I buy more, and I have really been on an Optimum kick lately. I will say that the old Z2 did look good on the two black cars that I spent hours prepping, but then again, with the amount of prep work that I put into them.....if they didnt look good, I would have jumped off the roof. :D

09-21-2006, 08:12 AM

I believe it, but I just cant justify spending money on another LSP when I have so many as it is. I have to go through what I have before I buy more :D

LOL -I know how you feel.

I don`t regret investing in Z5Pro AT ALL. I think the application, removal, slickness, and overall `look` are all noticeably improved over the previous version (not that Z5 was bad). The new Z5Pro formula also spreads super thin -8oz will cover 30+ vehicles EASY.