View Full Version : OK to drive between clay, AIO, and SG steps?

09-18-2006, 10:55 PM
I plan to clay my car, then apply AIO, then a couple layers of SG. I`d like to spread this work over 3-4 days. I would need to use the car between steps as it is my only vehicle.

Is this OK as long as I wash the car before starting each step?

09-18-2006, 11:17 PM
YEP. But I would wash, clay AND apply AIO (Murphy`s law - never wash, clay and leave it unprotected because that`s just the time you`ll get sap, bird domb or something). I would even apply one coat of SG if you can spare the time to ensure protection, ok if not. Then, when your ready, maybe even the next week-end, wash, dry and apply another layer of KSG. KSG can be applied & wiped down pretty quickly.

Are you working it all by hand?

KSG is almosy a must by hand, but AIO can go on with a pc.

09-19-2006, 09:19 AM
YEP. But I would wash, clay AND apply AIO (Murphy`s law - never wash, clay and leave it unprotected because that`s just the time you`ll get sap, bird domb or something). I would even apply one coat of SG if you can spare the time to ensure protection, ok if not. Then, when your ready, maybe even the next week-end, wash, dry and apply another layer of KSG. KSG can be applied & wiped down pretty quickly.

Are you working it all by hand?

KSG is almost a must by hand, but AIO can go on with a pc.

Thanks for the information. I am doing all steps by hand. Based on your recomendation, I`ll plan to at least do the wash, clay, and AIO steps without driving in-between (and will do the first SG step if I can.)

09-19-2006, 11:06 AM
SG does not take long to do if you use the WOWO method.......

I have had some very good result applying SG using a very small 50cl hand pump (spray bottle).

Using this you can simply spray SG onto the paint and then spread aroud before wiping off.

This ensures that only a very small amount of product is applied which is the key to applying SG.

Takes very very little time to do the whole car using this method.


09-19-2006, 12:31 PM
I can see waiting to AIO after you clay the car if you are really pressed for time that day, especially if your paint really needs it. But there really is no reason to wait to apply the SG after the AIO treatment. Even by hand that process goes very quickly using the WOWO method.

Depending on the size of your vehicle, you should be able to SG the car in 15-30 minutes. Then wait a week, wash it again, and hit it with a second coat of SG.