View Full Version : need relationship advice please, yes you!

09-15-2006, 12:16 AM
here`s my dilemna... i`m in my very early 30`s *cough* and she`s 22, is that too young? we seem to hit it off pretty well and i`m thinking of pursuing it further... what do you fellow autopians think?

09-15-2006, 01:04 AM
Go for it. My GF is quite a bit younger than I am and I`m very happy. Age is really just a number. Sometimes you can`t also have everything the way you want it. And if the age is the only thing making you doubt it, then that`s pretty good.

Just make sure it`s what she wants. My last 2 relationships they hit that 21`ish age and wanted to hang out with their friends and be young. They both regret it now since they can`t find a guy that respects them.

Here wanting to do the "21" thing would be my only fear, but you have to be the judge of what she wants. Good luck

09-15-2006, 01:30 AM
Go for it. My GF is quite a bit younger than I am and I`m very happy. Age is really just a number. Sometimes you can`t also have everything the way you want it. And if the age is the only thing making you doubt it, then that`s pretty good.

Just make sure it`s what she wants. My last 2 relationships they hit that 21`ish age and wanted to hang out with their friends and be young. They both regret it now since they can`t find a guy that respects them.

Here wanting to do the "21" thing would be my only fear, but you have to be the judge of what she wants. Good luck

i`m glad she was at least 21 (wouldn`t talk to her if she were any younger) and i`m only hoping she doesn`t think i`m to old for her. thanks for the advice! :)

09-15-2006, 01:49 AM
If anything... my parents are 9 years apart from each other but have been married for 23 years....go for it!

09-15-2006, 01:50 AM
I think yer nuts. Friends yeah, but hitter up for her older sister`s number.

09-15-2006, 08:36 AM
My girl is younger than me. She`s a doll. We`re 7 years apart. I won`t give out our ages though.... Ha.

But seriously, she`s a total catch. I wouldn`t want anyone else. The age difference doesn`t really affect anything. We don`t look like there`s an age difference, either.

09-15-2006, 08:51 AM
Tried that, been there. There is a big difference between 3? and 22, not so much between 37 and 27. I married at 35 to a 29 year old. No big diff. Before her,when I was 30, I dated a 21 yr old. BIG DIF. Don`t do it.

Remember 22? All you want to do is party and hang out. If that`s what you`re in for, fine. But trust me, you will have some very uncomfortable moments when she and friends are talking about high school and college parties that happend a couple of yrs ago.

09-15-2006, 11:18 AM
my grandparents are 10 years appart and have been married 50+ years!!!!

09-15-2006, 12:14 PM
It all depends on the people involved. My wife and I are of very different ages and we`re perfect for each other, but we were both older than that when we met too. Her parents were of very different ages, got married when her mother was *VERY* young, yet they were a very happy couple (heh heh, her mother was the "sensible one").

But hey, it`s not like you`re about to propose, right? See how it goes, have fun, enjoy it.

The only thing I`d watch for is this: most people her age are still maturing and still learning about who they are- developing their identity, belief systems and world view. You wouldn`t want to stifle her personal development and/but you gotta accept that she might turn into somebody else who might not be the right person for you.

09-15-2006, 07:02 PM
But hey, it`s not like you`re about to propose, right? See how it goes, have fun, enjoy it.

exactly what some of my friends are saying. if it doesn`t work out, i at least gained a friend right?

09-15-2006, 07:16 PM
Half your age + 7 is supposedly the youngest you should date. I love looking at the younger (legal!) ladies but most of them are too immature for a real relationship.