View Full Version : Ok that`s it now I`ve seen everything

09-14-2006, 10:53 PM
I`ve saw threads about this Temporary Sprayable Bra (http://www.duplicolor.com/training/shield_training.html) but I thought it wasn`t for real.

Now what I want to know is has ne1 tried this stuff yet?


09-14-2006, 11:12 PM
Griot`s sells a spray on in black for a while now. The thing is, it may protect abainst bugs and dirt but will it protect against stone chips? Notice he never says that in the video, he just mentions "debris" which could mean anything.

Could be a great idea for weekend drag racers, just spray some on behind the wheels and when the racing is over just wash off the spray on bra along with the melted rubber.

09-15-2006, 02:53 AM
I wonder if its abrasive (or has potential to be) when you go to wash it off with a mitt?

I emailed the company, I`ll let everyone know what they say.

Seems like a novel idea for temporary situations.

09-15-2006, 03:13 AM
wow. that looks awsome. wow. cooooool, i`m thikning about gettinga can. i wonder if it does protect against stone chips as well.

09-15-2006, 06:41 AM
Could be a great idea for weekend drag racers, just spray some on behind the wheels and when the racing is over just wash off the spray on bra along with the melted rubber.

Drag racers just spray on something like Pam that`s very slick so the rubber doesn`t stick.

09-15-2006, 11:09 PM
I would love something like this depending upon if it was abrasive or had any negative effects on the clear coat.

I make a 300+ mile trip about once every 2-3 or so and this would make the cleanup from that trip substantially easier.

09-15-2006, 11:44 PM
I don`t think it will protect against chipping (was wondering that as well while watching the video).

mblgjr, post up what you find out about the abrasiveness of the chemicals used in this product when they respond.

I might email them myself to ask what happens with the debris when the product gets washed off?

Does the product have anything in it that would prevent the debris from being washed into the paint surface?

If this stuff will not harm the modern Urethane Clear Coats applied on cars today Duplicolor might be on to something.

What we need is a test victim (err, ahhh subject) with some b4 and after shots (how the product looks once applied and dried to a panel, and how it the panel looks after it washed off).

a.k.a. Patrick
09-16-2006, 09:58 AM
Duragloss has some "catchy" products for sure................