View Full Version : ever hear of this citrus based degrease...

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09-11-2006, 07:02 PM
i had one of those door to door worrk entire neighborhoods at a time sales person approach me today. first he started to spray some apple flavored cleaner on my wheels which just got two coats of nb two days ago. not to mention i think theres around 5x ksg. i told him not to touch them but was willing to hear him out. the stuff he demo`d on turned out decent seemed strong and very comparable to a few cleaners i use. the citrus based was what i was wondering about though, anyone ever used it? US ADVANTAGE citrus based degreaser is its official name i think.

09-11-2006, 07:42 PM
i rembmer tha guy paul, the worlds best car detailer uses that on tha tvideo he made on utube.

09-11-2006, 07:55 PM
well i dont know how it works but i got the guy to leave me a two ounce sample which is dilutes up to 20-1 so ill let you know what i think about it when i use it.

a.k.a. Patrick
09-11-2006, 09:52 PM
I use a citrus cleaner called "Naturalizer"...........Citrus products work very well IMO...Well at least Naturalize. I didnt have ANY luck with Stoners Tarminator......

09-11-2006, 10:25 PM
I`ve used the product your talking about. The guy came to my house about a year ago, seemed to work good if I recall correctly.

09-12-2006, 09:46 AM
We had one of those guys come to our door years ago. He decided to show off how well it worked on rust stains on the painted metal sides of an old utility trailer. Didn`t touch the stains, but it was worth it to watch the guy get distressed when his demo went sour. :chuckle:

09-12-2006, 11:00 AM
I had a girl come to my garage while I was cleaning my car. She offer to clean my rims which was a big no no for me. Then she used a wired brush to clean 2-3 year old oil stains. I was impressed but then i decided to give her a bit of competetion. I pulled my Charlie`s APC sprayer and I was able to clean whatever she cleaned. I was like if I buy some would you buy some? :) She was not happy.



09-12-2006, 01:57 PM
A quality citrus degreaser is actually a solvent, and solvent only. Usually delimonine. Most of these OTC and walk by products are nothing more than harsh alkaline detergents with citrus scents.

Delimonine is a great product when ysed properly, When not used properly you can get some serious health side effects.

Solvents, make for very poor detergents as they have almost no cleaning ability. However wehn combined with an alkaline detergent you will finde a combo that will defeat many oily soils found in cars. Apply the solvent to fiber first, work in with brush, then apply AK detergent.

It depends on what you are trying to do. usually when people say degreasers they want something to suspend the grease so it can be washed away. The issue is that this is a bit more complicated than just that. to get suspension of an oily substance you need two things. Some sort of solvent and some sort of detergent.

here is a test. Take some oil based paint and put it on your hands.

then try washing your hands with citrus solvents. Yes it makes the oilbased paints thinner but does not remove them. even when run under hot water it still is a poor detergent.

now while you have that citrus oil mix on your hands put a detergent into the mix, tide, dawn, bar soap what ever. rub liberally you`ll begin to see the oil paint suspended in the solvent detergenst mix. Run your hands under the water till clean, rinse and repeat the citrus-detergent mix.

now try the oil paint with just detergent first. then add the solvent. since the process was inversed the solvent can`t directly act with the paint nearly as well. Causing it to be a longer process.

with clean hands apply paint again. Mix the citrus solvent and detergent together. then try and clean your hands. It will work but it will take a while longer.

09-12-2006, 02:40 PM
A quality citrus degreaser is actually a solvent, and solvent only. Usually delimonine. Most of these OTC and walk by products are nothing more than harsh alkaline detergents with citrus scents.

Delimonine is a great product when ysed properly, When not used properly you can get some serious health side effects.

Solvents, make for very poor detergents as they have almost no cleaning ability. However wehn combined with an alkaline detergent you will finde a combo that will defeat many oily soils found in cars. Apply the solvent to fiber first, work in with brush, then apply AK detergent.

It depends on what you are trying to do. usually when people say degreasers they want something to suspend the grease so it can be washed away. The issue is that this is a bit more complicated than just that. to get suspension of an oily substance you need two things. Some sort of solvent and some sort of detergent.

here is a test. Take some oil based paint and put it on your hands.

then try washing your hands with citrus solvents. Yes it makes the oilbased paints thinner but does not remove them. even when run under hot water it still is a poor detergent.

now while you have that citrus oil mix on your hands put a detergent into the mix, tide, dawn, bar soap what ever. rub liberally you`ll begin to see the oil paint suspended in the solvent detergenst mix. Run your hands under the water till clean, rinse and repeat the citrus-detergent mix.

now try the oil paint with just detergent first. then add the solvent. since the process was inversed the solvent can`t directly act with the paint nearly as well. Causing it to be a longer process.

with clean hands apply paint again. Mix the citrus solvent and detergent together. thhere en try and clean your hands. It will work but it will take a while longer.

So is there a way to create our own mixture that will work on interiors or exteriors or do these type of products exsist?

09-12-2006, 02:54 PM
well it is not a mixture. they have to be kept seperate, as the detergent will attach it`s self to the solvent. I`m sure there is some chemist who can do it for the right amount of money. I use them seperatly when dealing with carpets and fabrics.

Keep in mind you don`t really want to be slathering about a whole bunch of solvents in the interior pieces taht are not fabric or tuffted fiber.. Spot application as needed. imagine you wipe down a dash with an old solvent rag. a week later the customer asks you why his dash is flaking.

I have never once used solvent in my personal tahoe, however the lingering solvents on my hands from that days work have removed the dash coloring where i would change the radio, along with the rubberized feel to the nobs.

09-12-2006, 04:40 PM
i had one of those door to door worrk entire neighborhoods at a time sales person approach me today. first he started to spray some apple flavored cleaner on my wheels which just got two coats of nb two days ago. not to mention i think theres around 5x ksg. i told him not to touch them but was willing to hear him out.

Wow you are, like WAY more understanding than I am. If that had been me he would have gotten smashed in the face for touching my car with his not-known-to-me cleaning product.

Those door to door salesman can be really aggressive. I remember once one of them inerrupted my GF and I during our "bedroom activities" trying to sell me some variation of Simple Green. I answered the door in just a pair of jeans and he immediately launched into his spiel. He pointed at something behind me and when I looked he walked into the house. It seems that he didn`t hear me telling him to get the fark out, and it ended with me having to put him in a headlock and drag him out when he tried to go upstairs to show how well his product cleaned on bathroom surfaces.

Freaking d2d salesman.

Sorry had to vent.

09-12-2006, 04:52 PM
There is allways "beat them with their own stupidity"

sales dork

Sir would you like to buy some of this miricle enviromentally safe cleaner?


enviromentally safe? You mean for like kids and stuff? you know cuz i`m like a stay at home dad..

Sales dork.

Yes sire why this will clean up any kid mess, while being enviromentally safe.


Prove it. Drink the bottle. Drink it and I will buy 3.

09-12-2006, 05:01 PM


Prove it. Drink the bottle. Drink it and I will buy 3.

At that point, they`re :sign


09-13-2006, 12:51 PM
Had some similar door to door clowns walking around scrubbing stuff. Secret was the green scotchbrite pads. Those will get anything clean with just plain water.

Mr. Clean
09-14-2006, 12:07 PM
There is allways "beat them with their own stupidity"

sales dork

Sir would you like to buy some of this miricle enviromentally safe cleaner?


enviromentally safe? You mean for like kids and stuff? you know cuz i`m like a stay at home dad..

Sales dork.

Yes sire why this will clean up any kid mess, while being enviromentally safe.


Prove it. Drink the bottle. Drink it and I will buy 3.

I don`t get your logic. A product being environmentally safe has nothing to do with it being suitable for human consumption. :think:

Secondly, dilimonene is a natural solvent true, but it is also an excellent cleaner when diluted appropriately. I use it for a variety of chores around the household.