View Full Version : "I love tha gal, bt that`s not right" - part deux

09-11-2006, 11:45 AM
Part one: http://autopia.org/forum/showthread.php?t=76936&highlight=Buick+Regal





I started out conservative, PC with white polishing pad & Optimum polish. Switched to Optimum compound, then orange and finally yellow pad. Tough, slow going without much improvement - need more power. Seemed to see the best results with the yellow cutting pad, but with a mix of polish and compound. Was finally able to remove fine swirls, but the deeper marrs remain stubborn.

I finally resigned to begrudgingly accept (for now) the `5 foot test", since it seemed without a more serious polish or polisher (rotary), this wasn`t going to get really clean.

I used Optimum polish on the rest of the car, then Klasse AIO and SG.


- Wash (Megs Gold Class)

- Didn`t clay (clayed just a few weeks ago)

- Optimum polish and compound (hood, trunk, roof) as fast as a pc can go!

- Optimum polish on rest of the paint.

- Klasse AIO

- Klasse SG, followed by another coat of SG the next day.

Result (sorry, overcast day):




Klasse is interesting stuff. Was surprised at how fluid the SG was. Seems like a rock coating, finicky to wipe off in places, even when put on real thin. Seems to leave a deep sheen, but doesn`t really shine/pop like other polymers/waxes. Hoping it wears like iron though!

09-11-2006, 12:52 PM
Glad you at least got the marring to where you can live with it.

I`m not all that crazy about the look of KSG either, but I did think it looked a little more impressive after I got the fourth layer on. For some reason I`ve been really admiring it on our MPV lately, and I haven`t reapplied it for quite a while...somehow the metallic`s just popping more in the sun. Could be the FK425 I`ve been putting on after each wash :nixweiss

09-11-2006, 02:10 PM
if it was tough to remove....try and go even thinner, like almost invisible

09-11-2006, 02:53 PM
Looks nice, gotta love a clean Buick. I`ll agree with you though, the car doesn`t have much "pop", more of a well groomed look.

09-11-2006, 03:46 PM
Yeah, lack of pop may in part be the KSG, but also the cloudy day photo. Photo did show some nice reflection though, even though there was no sun. Sun might have made for more shine.

But this is my first experience with Klasse and maybe this less shine, satin like finish (although durable) is why I`ve read about carnuba toppers used over Klasse.

I think I`ll add another layer or two of KSG after the next wash or two and see what it looks like.

With this daily driver / back seat kid hauler and the winters here, I`m shooting for something durable for winter. I`ll settle for the well groomed/less pop look if it keeps the surface better protected against the salt and crud of winter wonderfun.

I`m also thinking I just may come back at it in the spring for another round of swirl removal and paint touch up.

09-11-2006, 04:02 PM
Which reminds me - in case I go in that direction... anybody know if there is a web source for collinite 845 or is PS21 just as good (or some other carnuba blend that will top Klasse) ???

09-11-2006, 06:57 PM
I order Collinite direct- LINK (http://www.collinite.com)

I`d get their 476S paste for what you`re considering. But I quit topping KSG as IMO you`re better off durability-wise to just add more KSG. Looks-wise, yeah a wax topper helps, but not enough to justify it on winter vehicles (but again, that`s just IMO).

09-12-2006, 10:24 AM
I order Collinite direct- LINK (http://www.collinite.com)

I`d get their 476S paste for what you`re considering. But I quit topping KSG as IMO you`re better off durability-wise to just add more KSG. Looks-wise, yeah a wax topper helps, but not enough to justify it on winter vehicles (but again, that`s just IMO).

Thanks for the link. I agree that I`ll have a go applying another layer or two of KSG before going the wax topper route - I had just heard that a wax topper over KSG makes it pop and that collinite was a very durable topper, especially in the northern winters. But I still have time to evaluate.

09-12-2006, 10:55 AM
As I said in another thread, I have two vehicles I plan on driving this winter- I have KSG on one and Collinite on the other. I predict the KSG will work out a lot better than the Collinite durability-wise, but that`s not the only factor worth considering (for one thing, I could never get the Collinited vehicle good enough for KSG).

09-12-2006, 01:07 PM
As I said in another thread, I have two vehicles I plan on driving this winter- I have KSG on one and Collinite on the other. I predict the KSG will work out a lot better than the Collinite durability-wise, but that`s not the only factor worth considering (for one thing, I could never get the Collinited vehicle good enough for KSG).

Do you mean you had suface issues that needed some kindof fillers?

09-12-2006, 01:53 PM
Yeah, the Blazer is a real, uhm, used and abused rat to put it politely. Even after as much correction as it can take it still looks pretty bad, and with 476S at least it isn`t obvious as it`d be with KSG.

09-13-2006, 11:54 AM
I did notice that unlike many polymers and wax`s, the Klasse twins are really transparent as in no filler like capability. For instance, NXT seems to hide minor swirls, but I`m pretty sure I can see every one with the twins!

I wonder if anyone`s tried a spray WOWO wax (like DG AW) on top of the Klasse twins, for pop and a little extra protection ?

09-13-2006, 04:36 PM
I did notice that unlike many polymers and wax`s, the Klasse twins are really transparent as in no filler like capability...

I wonder if anyone`s tried a spray WOWO wax (like DG AW) on top of the Klasse twins, for pop and a little extra protection ?

Yeah, I only use Klasse on vehicles I can basically get perfect, which is sorta a pain as I use it on the dog-hauling minivan, which I`d rather not take such great care of...

I`m sure somebody has used AW on KSG, but I haven`t tried it. I`m using FK425 (not a real WOWO wax, but sorta similar- a really fortified QD) on the MPV after washes and it *does* add something, both in looks and slickness. Adds enough that it`s worth the time/effort to me, which is saying something.