View Full Version : Need help with wheel wells

09-10-2006, 07:49 AM
Can anyone offer any advice?

We got this brand new Subaru three days ago and proceeded to hit some kind of paint tub or can on the highway two days ago. What a pleasant sight the next morning when I realized what happened!

Anyway, the majority came off of the body nicely, but the wheel wells are impossible to clean. It looks like latex enamel.

The car is blue - the paint yellow.

So, the question is:

What paint should I consider to repaint the brand new wheel wells black again?

Thank you for your time and advice. :)


imported_CBX Carl
09-10-2006, 08:56 AM
Are the wells smooth plastic or have they been undercoated ?

I have used some graffiti type spray cleaner in the past on wheelwells that been sprayed with the white lane paint from highway lines. I picked the cleaner up from the local auto store (Pep Boys). Don`t remember the brand name.

I did our minivan at the local stall self serve car wash. I carefully sprayed the affected areas in the wheelwells only and used the high pressure power wand spray to rinse completely. As a bonus parts of wheelwells ( plastic ) were covered with undercoating splatter so I cleaned that off as well.

09-10-2006, 10:36 AM
Are the wells smooth plastic or have they been undercoated ?

The wheel wells have some smooth and some undercoated areas. The paint was easier to remove from the smooth areas. After almost 24 hours, it got much harder to remove as it cured.

I was thinking about "Tire Black." I really don`t expect the finish to last and I don`t expect the latex paint to last indefinately, either. I`d just like to keep it new for at least a month! :think2

imported_CBX Carl
09-10-2006, 10:59 AM

Here is the stuff I used.

09-10-2006, 11:15 AM
I used castrol super clean full strength with perfect results. seems like the graffiti stuff would work just as well though.

09-10-2006, 01:46 PM
I used castrol super clean full strength with perfect results. seems like the graffiti stuff would work just as well though.

What is Castrol Super Clean? Is is also a spray on cleaner? It seems like there are a number of different cleaners similar to what I`d be looking for.

Thank you very much for the tips, all. :2thumbs:

09-10-2006, 04:14 PM
If you pull the wheel you can get a lot off with plastic razor blades. I`ve done a few cars this past year that had yellow road paint splatter and other types of paint. The smooth areas should be a breeze. The texture areas I would suspect it would take more time. I don`t recall having to get it off any textured spots so don`t recall how it went. If you can scrape or pick them off that would be preferrable in my book to heavy cleaner or repaint.