View Full Version : Paint Protection Film for the rockers on Audi (Can I do it)

09-08-2006, 11:31 PM
ClearMask (http://www.clearmask.com) sells a PPF kit for the rockers on my `05 Audi.

I didn`t get them done when I had the front end done in the spring cause I had just took them off and professionally re-finished them from the pitting and chipping.

Now this company says they make their kits to be easy to install. I watched the guy put the Avery product on the front end and while it does take some technique/skills the rockers are no way near as complicated (shape wise) as the front of the hood or my bumper/lower spoiler.

So the question is do I try to do it myself (they ship the kit with all the tools and a video to watch) or get it installed by a pro? I wouldn`t mind learning how to do this though.

I called the guy up who did the front end and he said it would cost me about 50 smackers to have the kit installed on both sides.



09-09-2006, 01:02 AM
A customer of mine just had his Vette done with the clear bra from "ticker City". It`s not an easy task, but if you want to learn then maybe you should give it a go. No better car than your own to practice on.

09-09-2006, 01:13 AM
Yeah like I said I know it`s not real easy to do, but I was thinking since rocker panels are so small and don`t have any curves (nice and flat) I might have a go.

I`ll watch the video when it get`s here and see. I don`t mind practicing on my car since the chance of damage is minimal, but would`nt want to trash the kit and have to order another one.

Thanks for the reply

Five Star
09-09-2006, 01:46 AM
sure you can do it on the rockers,

just make sure you use the baby shampoo/water mix.. and ISO Alcohol and water mix, start at the center and squegee out to the edge.

most problems occur when you need to stretch and manipulate the film on curved surfaces

09-09-2006, 01:54 AM
Thanks for the vote of confidence Five-Star :)

The kit comes with two industrial spray bottles, the squegee, and a hard card (what ever that is). I`m reading the install manual now. I`ll size the material up when it gets here next week.

They said they include a piece of film that`s seperate from the kit for practice.

09-09-2006, 12:31 PM
MorBid- IMO a lot of "DIY/not?" boils down to the person who`ll actually be doing it. In this case, I bet you`d be fully up to the task.

But I`d ask yourself a few Qs first:

Did the shop that applied it to the nose do an OK job, would I let them do my car again?

How much of a hassle will doing it myself be, would I enjoy doing it or do I just want it done?

09-09-2006, 12:46 PM
Wise words there Accumlator. I use those same questions when people ask me about doing bodywork and/or painting their own cars :)

The installer was "alright", by that I mean he was component and knowledgeable. Other than the dealership he is the only one to have ever worked on my Audi and I watched him like a hawk. I even got to help :)

I would give him a higher mark `cept he kept scheduling the appointments at 8 or 9 in the morning and not showing up at the house till 11 or noon (I`m a stickler for promptness when it comes to buisness).

Most of everything I know about autobody and engines on cars I taught myself. The 50 smackers he wants to do the install isn`t out of line so no probelm there.

I`m the type of guy that likes to know how to do stuff. So I quess I just don`t want it on but want to know how to put it on to see if I can do it. A question that won`t be answered unless I try.

When the installer did it he was able to lift the film up lots of times to get to "lay" right before finally taking it down and not ruin it.

I`ll keep eye balling the area`s in question and think about it some more. The film won`t be here till maybe wednesday.

Thanks everyone for all the input.


09-09-2006, 12:53 PM
..I`m the type of guy that likes to know how to do stuff. So I quess I just don`t want it on but want to know how to put it on to see if I can do it. A question that won`t be answered unless I try...

Heh heh, that`s sorta what I was thinking you`d say ;)

09-09-2006, 01:04 PM
Heh heh, that`s sorta what I was thinking you`d say ;)

Yup, Mr. hands on that`s me. They are such small parts and down so low on the car that even if I don`t get it perfect no one will know but me.

Seems a spot on my front spoiler got caught on something and ripped a tiny piece of the film down there. I called the guy who put it on and he said he would come out an look at it and see if he could fix it.

Soooooooo, I could just be out there trying to install the film when the expert shows up, you know like by "coincidence" ;).

Hey Audi has released pricing on the 2007 S6`s and S8`s have you seem them yet? The S8 rolls with 20" rims that are sweet.

09-09-2006, 01:29 PM
Hey Audi has released pricing on the 2007 S6`s and S8`s have you seem them yet? The S8 rolls with 20" rims that are sweet.

If I *had* to buy a new vehicle and couldn`t swing the cost of a Bentley (which would sure require a lot of very serious thought..), then yeah, I`d buy a new S8. But fortunately we don`t have to buy anything.

I`d been waiting for the new S8 since the moment of the deer incident...but between the new body and the new interior I`m gonna pass. I know they`re great cars and I`d love the performance, but after spending a few days with a new A8 from my dealer my wife and I decided we`d *MUCH* rather keep the ones we have, damage and all. Call us old-fashioned, but they changed too much of the stuff that we love about Audis (and for that matter, so have Benz and BMW with their latest offerings).

09-09-2006, 01:46 PM
It`s pretty simple on flat surfaces, its the curves that are a killer. Avery stuff isn`t as good as the 3m stuff, but it works. I know the 3M stuff can be repositioned while you are installing it, which makes it easier to install. It also doesnt` yellow.

If you have some patience and halfway decent hand eye coordination you should be able to do it.

09-09-2006, 03:36 PM

I hear you on that one, how was the sound from the Bang & Olufsen Advanced Sound System? I was reading about it in the Audi Magazine (in think Febuary). I hope they bring that to the A4`s but I think it uses MMI so a retrofit may be out.


Another vote of confidence, excellent. Again I`ll watch the video and maybe practice with the sheet they send. I still have the pieces from my other install for the mirror covers, I could try my hand at installing those as well.