View Full Version : are pcs safe to use a lot on a car?

09-02-2006, 09:04 PM
i was wondering if it was safe to use a PC on a car everyonce in a while. woudl it be safe to use to apply wax? remove wax? im` thinking about getting a pc but i dont know how often i`ll be using it. What are the do`s and donts fo rit? My car is about 4 months old and the paint is great, no swirls yet. but applying cleaners, polishes, and waxes by hand takes a very very long time. coudl i do this work w/ a PC? i woudl use a very very mild abrasive polish , since the paint is very new every once in a while. but is it safe to apply wax w/?

what other uses coudl it be used for other than polishing or waxing(maybe, dont know yet)

09-02-2006, 09:15 PM
I do all my waxing by PC. Nice thin layers.

09-02-2006, 09:46 PM
can u buff it off also? or do u use a nice terry cloth towel for that?

09-02-2006, 09:47 PM
can u buff it off also? or do u use a nice terry cloth towel for that?

I use a plush microfiber towel to buff it off, but there are bonnets you can put over the PC for PC removal.

09-02-2006, 09:50 PM
also, a question, is a pc the best tool to use? whats the differnece between a rotary or an orbital? are they all the same?

09-02-2006, 10:02 PM
also, a question, is a pc the best tool to use? whats the differnece between a rotary or an orbital? are they all the same?


Porter Cable 7242 (Random orbital) sorta "Jiggles, with a bit of circular rotation". Much safer option for us beginners. VERSUS

Rotary, which spins in a circular motion only. Professional`s tool of choice. Cuts better, but carries a much larger risk.

I`m not going to elabourate, as I don`t want to say anything not true with regards to a rotary (I`m an amature still) I`m sure more will have more of an explaination.

Best regards,


09-02-2006, 10:37 PM
Don`t use a rotary without practice... You can burn and ruin your paint with a rotary.

I believe the difference is (please correct me if I`m wrong):

The rotary spins in a constant circular motion... which when pressed on a surface, not only cuts away at the clearcoat better, but it creates friction and heat, which will leave no only holograms, but serious burns in the clear coat. which is fatal to your cars paint.

a Random orbital does just that, randomly orbits, so its not all in one direction (it almost vibrates) creating less friction, and less risk.

A rotary is usually only used for major reconstruction, if your paint is new, and in good condition, you don`t need a rotary, a PC would work perfectly. :ca

09-03-2006, 12:56 AM
so i think i will invest in one of those pcs. but the next thing i need to do is learn to use one, techiques and such, and different componds w/ different pads. which ones do what?!?! lol. is there a sticky or some article expalnign exactly whats what?

09-03-2006, 01:07 AM
Along with good wash procedures and claying, a dual action polisher takes you to a higher level of finish care - and it shows. Generally, DA polishers like the PC 7424 are very safe because of their random orbital operation. It somewhat simulates a hand operation, but many times faster.

Yes, you can use a polisher to apply LSP`s (Last Step Products) like polymers and/or wax.

I use it for polishing and to apply LSP`s, but generally wipe off with MF towels by hand. However, you can use terry or microfiber bonnets to remove wax/polymer carrier.

As for actual polishing, especially for a new vehcle, you`ll typically use pre-wax cleaners (which are more chemical), rather than more agressive polishes and compounds like swirl removers. However, if/when you do get a small defect like a marr, scratch or swirl, you`ll be prepared to keep the finish like new.

As for all the rest, you have that new car feeling. Feels nice doesn`t it? With routine detailing maintenance, the car will stay new for a very long time !

I`m not sure what else you`d use the PC for unless you`re into wood working, or wanna spiff up the stainless steel grill!