View Full Version : Scuunci MicroFiber Products at Big Lots

09-02-2006, 05:30 PM
I was wandering around Big Lots the other day and I ran into some MF towels in the Cleaning Supplies section. The brand is Scunci or something like that but there were a whole selection of different types of MF towels and mitts geared towards kitchen and bath. They`re only $1 a towel. I bought a couple to try out, but chickened out trying them on my paint.

They have:

Purple Waffle Weave 16x16 towels that should be okay for detailing. It feels pretty soft and cushiony.

Blue 16x16 glass cleaning towels

A whole bunch of other types that I don`t remember

Mitts (hand-shaped towels) made with the same materials

My wife is using the purple one in the bathroom and she likes it a lot. It works great on the mirrors and they pick up a lot of water. The blue glass one should be ok but I haven`t had a chance to try it out.

Just curious if anyone else saw them at Big Lots.

09-02-2006, 08:18 PM
I was at Big Lots around 2 weeks ago, and I didn`t see any of the MF towels you mentioned. Is it together with the Meguiars brushes/wash mitts, etc? Or is it in another section? I`d be pretty interested in buying some WW`s, so I`ll take a look next time I go there. But, of course, Big Lots products are usually YMMV, so it`s not the same everywhere.

BTW, if you want to see whether it will be safe for the paint, try doing the CD test. Rub the towels on the CD and see if it scratches the CD.

09-02-2006, 09:17 PM
They are not in the "automotive" section. They are in the household cleaning supplies area where you would find kitchen towels and dishwashing stuff. I`ll try the cd test. The only one I`d really use on paint is the purple waffle weave. As I mentioned before, I bought the blue glass cleaner to try on my windows.

09-02-2006, 10:35 PM
The blue window towels work well. The grey, purple and pink (kinda) have not given me any problems. The grey is indentical to a grey sold by a popular online distributor in a larger size. Ultrafiber I believe.

09-03-2006, 08:38 AM
3Dog, could you explain the difference between ultrafiber and microfiber?

hooked, I know which section you are talking about. I saw a section with many many cotton towels for use in kitchens. I looked very carefully last time to see if they had any good towels (like WW). I didn`t see any of the towels you were speaking of. Maybe it`ll be there when I go there next time!

09-03-2006, 08:40 AM
3Dog, could you explain the difference between ultrafiber and microfiber?

hooked, I know which section you are talking about. I saw a section with many many cotton towels for use in kitchens. I looked very carefully last time to see if they had any good towels (like WW). I didn`t see any of the towels you were speaking of. Maybe it`ll be there when I go there next time!

Ultrafiber is a company.

09-03-2006, 08:48 AM
Oh! I`m :sign :nana:

09-03-2006, 09:04 AM
The towels are packaged in one per small box approximately 4"x8"x1/2" (just a guess). The name on it is Scunci Miracle Fiber. There are several types of towels and mitts for various uses. I`ll try to upload a picture of the boxes later when I get a chance.

09-04-2006, 09:54 AM
Here are a couple pics of the boxes. The towels and boxes are colored the same.

I tried the CD test on the towels and the purple and the green did not cause scratches even with heavy scrubbing.

The green towel is for the kitchen and is anti-bacterial.


The pic of the back shows you the different kinds of towels are available.


Here`s a pic of the purple drying towel and green kitchen towel. They are 80 polyest/20 polyamide and made in Korea. As I mentioned earlier, the purple is probable the only one I`d use on paint as a QD or polisher. I think it`s too small for a drying towel. The green is pretty stiff even after washing, although it passed the CD test. Maybe as a polishing cloth when you need more bite?


The edges are sewn. I don`t know what the stitching is made of.


Setec Astronomy
09-04-2006, 10:12 AM
Hmm...that purple towel looks rather familiar...the common thread, pardon the pun, on these cheap towels, seems to be the edging, which looks deadly. Did you rub the edging against the CD? The Vroom towels seem very nice except for the cheap edging. Anyway, nice find for a buck, thanks for sharing!

09-04-2006, 10:36 AM
I just tried the CD test on the edging. The purple one didn`t seem to leave anything. The green one left some but I wasn`t sure if it was my finger causing the scratches since I was pressing down hard and my finger might have been making contact with the cd as well :)

But hey, they`re only a buck.

Setec Astronomy
09-04-2006, 08:16 PM
Meh...couldn`t find these at my Big Lots, only refills for a mop and dash duster that were in almost identical boxes.