View Full Version : Alternative to dealer simonizing new car

09-02-2006, 01:56 AM
Hi -- I just registered on Autopia tonight and I`m new to posting and not exactly sure how it all works, but hope this message gets out. One of the reasons I came to this site is because I just bought a new Honda Civic LX today and wanted to take advantage of your expertise. I want to keep this car looking good for a very, very long time and I know I`ll have to be viligent in order to do that. I can see that I can get some very valuable information regarding products, washing methods, etc. on the site. I started thinking about detailing (although I didn`t know that`s what it was called) when the dealer gave me a brochure concerning Simonizing the car. She made it sound good, but I was leary -- $495 for outside and some sort of spray on stuff for inside. I knew I didn`t want anything sprayed on the inside, but protecting the outside of the car made sense to me. So I came home and started looking for info on the Internet and found Autopia (perfect).

I`m interested in the opinion of you folks who obviously take a great deal of pride in protecting the appearance of automobiles (your own and others). I`m a total novice and too afraid to try to put any kind of sealant on it myself. So, I guess I have two questions. First, is Simonizing the car through the dealer a good idea? (I suspect not.) Second, I read a post in which someone suggested taking it to a professional detailer instead. I know this is a long shot, but does anyone know of a professional detailer in either Lexington, KY or the Cincinnati, OH area? There are a few listed in the phone book here in Lexington, but I`d rather have a personal recommendation (who wouldn`t?). In any case, thanks for your time and I hope I`m not, in some misguided way, violating any posting rules.

09-02-2006, 02:04 AM
First, is Simonizing the car through the dealer a good idea?

:welcome no, it`s a waste of $$$ and what better way to start taking care of your new car than now! invest in a pc (which is pretty safe, so don`t be scared), here`s a link below... also, go to the "click & brag" section and you`ll see many different combo`s (pads, polishes, wax`s, etc..) that work for many... :)


p.s. here`s an example by a fellow autopian (blackntan) using a pc with some good products and proper technique (one of my fave pics)!


09-02-2006, 06:24 AM
The dealer`s package is another way for the dealer to make more money. I agree that a wax job and spraying some fabric guard is way overpriced at $495.

Sorry I can`t help about a local detailer. Perhaps there is someone that could help you in learning to take care of the car. Please don`t take offense at my blatant chauvinsim, but you`re a girl right? I expect somewhere along the way, you learned how to wash and wax a kitchen floor? Washing and `waxing` a car is no more difficult. As for the interior - c`mon, glass, carpet, uphostery and vinyl. You probably already have most everything you need to keep it spotless.

A little reading and a good process and you could have the best kept car in the neighborhood !

09-02-2006, 07:19 AM
Yeah, any of those super duper protection plans that the dealers offer, are just a way for them to get a load more money, and they have taken many people with such offerings. Kindah funny, how they boast about sealants that last years and years, or make it sounds as if youll never need to reapply it, or that it has Teflon in it, or some other really big lie. If therer was a wax that lasted that long believe me, we would know about it. I have enough trouble getting selants like Klasse SG, Collonite, and Zaino, to last over 3 months (outside in the weather with weekly washes of course) mustless many years. Do some research on here, and you`ll be as obbsessed with it as we are, and have nieghbors making fun of you for cleaning the wheel wells of you car. ;-)

09-02-2006, 08:28 AM
True, as abbeysdad said, no more difficult - but it is essential that you learn the proper techniques (which are just finely tuned versions of your existing knowledge).

Good, friendly products (and of course, members) will assist you immensely!

Setec Astronomy
09-02-2006, 08:36 AM
I don`t know if he does other people`s cars, but you might send a PM to Eliot Ness http://autopia.org/forum/member.php?find=lastposter&t=77025 who is in Lexington.

09-02-2006, 08:59 AM
I am a dealer and the Simonized product is already on the paint......the $495 is for the insurance.....Simonized is going to pay if your car needs to be repainted within 5years. Do do not think this is a great product nor would I want it on my car. We have not done this to any of our cars yet, and yes we are thinking about it for increased profit. The amount of profit however, is not that much(maybe $50-$60). I will be getting samples of the product on Tuesday and will let everyone here know what I think about it.

09-02-2006, 09:33 AM
Save money and order Zaino instead. I doubt the Simonize stuff is much different than the Simonize Diamond stuff at WalMart.

09-02-2006, 09:48 AM
Kudos to you for doing your research and sparing yourself form one of the worst scams going on...believe me, when it came to repainting your car, they`d figure out a reason why you`ve voided the guarentee.

As far as maintanence is concerned, others are right in that you should learn how to polish it yourself with a PC. BUT, the single most important factor in maintaining the looks of your new vehicle is the wash process...you`ll find a plethora of information on this subject if you do a search on this site.

09-13-2006, 06:38 PM
I am a dealer and.....The amount of profit however, is not that much(maybe $50-$60). I will be getting samples of the product on Tuesday and will let everyone here know what I think about it.

LMAO...who are you kidding?! At $495.00 there`s WAY more than $50 in profit. I`d say the product and insurance cost the dealer about $100, then normally the sales dept. has to pay the service dept. for the application which is probably about 1 1/2 hours flat rate at whatever the particular dealers hourly rate is, so say another $125...but then of course their "detailer" probably really does the whole thing in about half that. So even in that part of their "cost" they`re still profiting, since they most likely pay their detailer $10/hour or less.

BTW...Simonize does pay for claims and they don`t go crazy looking for excuses not to pay. I personally know of an instance where they paid a claim to replace a $1000 seat cover due to a very minor water stain left from leaving the window open, after the dealer was unable to clean it.

And I must admit, the product itself seems like a pretty decent sealant, and does last a good 6 months with tight beading...although I still use Zaino on my own personal car. The dealers Simonize treatment isn`t a bad of a choice for someone not interested in caring for their car theirself...it sure beats doing nothing. Just make sure you know exactly what your paying for and negotiate accordingly. And thats`s a decent sealant, a spray on fabric protectant (similar to scotch guard), and an insurance policy on your paint finish and interior fabric for 5 years.

Of course the best option of all is to either learn to care for your car yourself or find yourself a local Autopian detailer to maintain it.
