View Full Version : This is why I like Autumn......

a.k.a. Patrick
08-30-2006, 11:40 PM
If you have a thing for surfing or just beautiful days at the beach, you`ll appreciate this....... (http://www.surfline.com/video/vids/2005/jan/vids/ncl_300_dirtyholes.mov) .....25 miles from home. This is what makes it hard for me to leave Ca.

With Autumn, come stiff offshore winds (Santa Ana`s), warm days, cool & starfilled nights. The memories of the best days of my bachelor life, with the best of friends, the best of waves, the absolute best of everything.

All the vacationers have gone home, and fallen back ino realitys rut. It leaves the coast nearly empty, with the exception of those driven to the coast by the lure for water and serenity.

08-31-2006, 12:16 AM
Autumn brings me a certain mood every year. A touch of depression with the light change, and some introspection for good measure. I don`t know why, but it happens every year. I always look forward to my runs on cool evenings or mornings, college football Saturdays, and the shift in sunlight. We had a little front come through here last night and they are forecasting lows of 66. Summer`s grip is loosening...

08-31-2006, 01:20 AM
Autumn is evil because it leads to winter. Plus the days get shorter and shorter. Give me full on summer heat and daylight until 9 pm. ;)

08-31-2006, 02:11 AM
Autumn brings me a certain mood every year. I always look forward to my runs on cool evenings or mornings

agreed, i don`t like running when it`s hot....

08-31-2006, 08:09 AM
Dont dig autumn too much (in northeast coast anyway). Once thats is over the grand daddy winter going whoops our arse (4` of snow and 8" of salt) :eek:

08-31-2006, 08:22 AM
Patrick: I am with you!

September is my favorite month. We have warm days (70-80), cool clear nights (55-65), beautiful foliage, and so on. A great time for a convertible or weekend cruises.

08-31-2006, 08:23 AM
Fall is beautiful when the trees turn color...but from there it goes down hill...

Darkness at 5 pm - it almost seems like your days are so short and it`s so depressing then winter comes along which brings a bunch of snow, salt, and cold weather - - Christmas is the only time I am happy during winter, to be with family and have all the relatives come together for the occasion.

I`d take year round spring and summer if I had it my way :) Did I also mention I hate winter because I know Im going to be slooooww - - but since my client base has picked up this summer considerably, now all those people will know who to come to in spring-time :)

08-31-2006, 05:55 PM
If you have a thing for surfing or just beautiful days at the beach, you`ll appreciate this....... (http://www.surfline.com/video/vids/2005/jan/vids/ncl_300_dirtyholes.mov) .....25 miles from home. This is what makes it hard for me to leave Ca.

With Autumn, come stiff offshore winds (Santa Ana`s), warm days, cool & starfilled nights. The memories of the best days of my bachelor life, with the best of friends, the best of waves, the absolute best of everything.

All the vacationers have gone home, and fallen back ino realitys rut. It leaves the coast nearly empty, with the exception of those driven to the coast by the lure for water and serenity.

... I hear ya. I`ve lived all over the country, & this is probably my favorite place. Currently, my old boss (was automotive, is now aerospace) is trying to lure me away to a job back on the east coast (Atlanta). It`s the same money as I`m making here, which would go a LOT further in Atlanta. With the appreciation in real estate out here, i could take my home equity & pretty much pay cash for a nice house in Atlanta & start throwing everything into retirement- pushing up retirement about 10 years or more.

BUT... I just don`t know if I can bring myself to leave California again...

I like the fact that the weather`s the one thing you DON`T have to worry about. You don`t have to worry if it`s going to rain out your barbeque, or your camping trip. You can leave your windows open all day at the house without having to worry about wet carpet & curtains when you get home. Your car can stay clean for a week or more. I like the close proximity to L.A., with everything you could ever want or need close by- without having to live with the hustle & bustle that is L.A. And I LOVE Autumn in California! The kids are back in school, the weather`s gorgeous, the evenings are cool & crisp... nothing like a top-down cruise along PCH at sunset!

a.k.a. Patrick
08-31-2006, 07:37 PM
... I hear ya. ... nothing like a top-down cruise along PCH at sunset!

In November!!

09-02-2006, 06:44 AM
I miss my home in so cal so bad. I went to the beach almost every day. Nor cal beaches suckkk.

a.k.a. Patrick
09-02-2006, 09:51 AM
Aaron, i guess it depends on what one appreciates at the moment. Right now, i cant stand Zuma, matter of fact I havent been there in 2-3 yrs. Theres just too many people, and 99% of them are inconsiderate SOB`s, or dont speak English. (Is that too much to ask coming to America?) You`ll actually have all your stuff out (kids Boogy boards, wetsuits, ice chest, beach chairs) and they wil literally plop there items 5ft in front of you. Im dead serious! Right in front of you, and ruin the whole panorama.

Chalk up another reason I hate summer.

Right now Im rather content with just the sites, and emptiness. Dolphins, and birds, an occasional low flying copter or experimental plane. One day I`ll work myself back into shape and get back into surfing full time, cuz I cetainly miss it, and it brings great opportuinity for quality time with the kids out in the water.

09-06-2006, 12:59 PM
In November!!

Ahh yes, this is where I get jealous :sadpace: In November here in Chicago, I`m close to tears after seeing the salt crust over my entire car... Boy I would love to have the windows down, sunroof open, and music blasting while cruising on the highway in November!!

On the other hand, I truly enjoy Fall. It`s wonderfull to exercise in and cruise with the windows down and smell wood burning and hear the leaves rustling.

a.k.a. Patrick
09-06-2006, 01:30 PM

I love Fall/Autumn..............