View Full Version : How is the PC 7424 compare to Griots polisher

08-28-2006, 10:58 PM
Considering get a randon orbital polisher and can not decide which one. Can any one have experience on both and kindly provide plus and minus on both unit. Thanks.

Eliot Ness
08-29-2006, 08:46 AM
Here is a thread that has some info about that new polisher:


08-29-2006, 08:47 AM
I haven`t used the Griot`s machine though I did see a write up a while ago on here discussing both machines. I do know that Griot`s machine doesn`t take a traditional style backing plate and won`t take Edge Pads, center adapter.

08-29-2006, 09:32 AM
Yes the 7424 is more user friendly as far as backing plate and pads. Like mentioned by Eliot read the past posts and judge for yourself. Let us know what you get.

08-30-2006, 12:48 AM
How important the backing plate play in the whole polishing process? I kind of like the handle on the Griots and the simplicity of the whole system that Griots offer. Two kind of pad, one is for polish and one for waxing. Any one have use their system including their machine polish and best of show wax? Thanks.

08-30-2006, 01:29 AM
Being able to change the backing plate is important if you want to use 4" pads for more aggressive, focused work. The Griot`s machine won`t allow you to do this unfortunately.

Sorry to say, I have not heard too many complimentary things about the Griot`s polishes or wax. I think the general consensus is that Griot`s products, although nicely marketed, are overpriced and that there are many cheaper alternatives that perform better. I think this is most certainly the case when talking about polishes and waxes in particular.

Nevertheless, there`s no question that there are some Griot`s products that truly excel...their Car Wash Soap, Undercarriage Spray, Interior Cleaner to name just a few.

08-30-2006, 08:19 AM
How important the backing plate play in the whole polishing process? I kind of like the handle on the Griots and the simplicity of the whole system that Griots offer. Two kind of pad, one is for polish and one for waxing. Any one have use their system including their machine polish and best of show wax? Thanks.

As I`ve said I haven`t used their polisher, I have used their polishes and Best of Show wax. Their products are solid and leave a nice end result. They are harder to work with than other boutique products that I`ve used particularly when it comes to removal. You`ll no doubt like the finish. I`ve got other products that I like the finish of as well if not better and are easier to use. With the exception of their undercarriage spray, Griot`s isn`t the first bottle in my cabinet that I reach for. I really like that product.

I`m going out on a limb here but if the truth were known I would bet on the fact that the profit margin of the Porter Cable and the competition to sell this product fierce enough that there just isn`t any money in selling it. I`ll bet Griot`s went out and looked for a cheaper replacement and that`s why they`ve ended up with the current product. That doesnt` make it either a better or worse product but does give you something to think about.

08-30-2006, 11:09 AM
Having used all three generations of Griot`s Machine Polishes and all three (or was it four?) generations of Griot`s pads (still have samples of `em all) and the BOS, my $0.02 is that, with the possible exception of MP#3, you can do a *LOT* better. Only thing I like about the MP#3 is that it came in handy on a super-soft repaint that was too soft for stuff like #80 but still needed correction.

If the simplicity of the Griot`s approach is appealing, you can still use their orange polishing pad and red waxing pad with a PC (or even with a rotary). The pads do last forever but the orange one is a bit mild for major correction despite its porosity and firmness.

Heh heh, using Griot`s MP#2 with the Cyclo and its green pads really opened my eyes regarding the limits of the PC when equipped with Griot`s 6-6.5" orange pad! With the Cyclo the MP#2 did some *real* correction that I`d never got it to do with the PC.

Not sure how the handle on top of the polisher would be all that much better/different from just using theh PC with no handle at all (holding onto the housing) :nixweiss Heh heh, if you want a top handle random orbital, I`d look into a Cyclo :D Talk about simple, the Cyclo only has one speed and most work can be done with polishing or finishing pads just like with the Griot`s system.

Note to newbies: despite the above ~slam I`m a big Griot`s customer/supporter, I just don`t like the above-mentioned stuff.