View Full Version : Very bad scratches, need advise please.

03-30-2005, 11:51 PM
I was at a car show and drags Saturday. As our truck club sat in line waiting to race, I noticed my buddy’s driver door panel. It looks like he used the backside of a dishwashing sponge to clean his car. I asked what happened, he said there was some paint splatter and it wouldn`t come off. So he used the scrubbing side of a sponge and didn`t see the marks until after the paint dried. I said I could probably get the scratches out with my PC. I couldn`t feel anything when I rubbed my fingers across the 9"x9" area. I was thinking about using SSR2.5 with yellow cutting pad, the SSR1 with yellow pad, then SSR1 with white polishing pad, followed by LSP. Do you think this will work? Thanks in advance.

03-31-2005, 12:04 AM
You can give it a shot. It will probably take a rotary and something like Menzerna Powergloss to get out scratches like that though. Sometimes they can be so bad that you just have to do your best to eliminate as much as possible and live with the rest. Hope you are able to get that finish back, good luck.

03-31-2005, 12:08 AM
I have seen the SSR 2.5 and Yellow pad combo do amazing things. I think you will be suprised by the resluts!

03-31-2005, 12:23 AM
Thanks fellas for the replies. I was just thinking, it can`t get any worse. I`ll try the yellow and 2.5. Do you think I will need 2.5 and a polish pad to get rid of any haze before goingto SSR1? And when I go to SSR1 will I ned a yellow pad or go straight to a white?

03-31-2005, 07:55 AM
i have gone from SSR 2.5 to a glaze (moose wax) many times. That is similar to what you are doing with the SSR1. You will find with SSR 2.5 you will have little or no hazing. There are many testamonies on here where people did not need a step down product when using SSR2.5. Good Luck!

03-31-2005, 11:10 AM
......Do you think I will need 2.5 and a polish pad to get rid of any haze before goingto SSR1? And when I go to SSR1 will I ned a yellow pad or go straight to a white?

SSR2.5 breaks down pretty good, so you can do your cut work, then
follow up with the polish work with the same product. You may not
even need to step up to SSR1 after you`re done. As for SSR1, you
should use it with either a polish or finish pad.

03-31-2005, 06:01 PM
SSR2.5 w/rotrary or PC w/yellow pad?

03-31-2005, 10:21 PM
Does anyone use the red cutting pad with SSR 2.5???

04-01-2005, 01:20 AM
Go with 2.5 w/ cutting pad 2 times . Don`t be affraid to go up to 6K for some extra umph..then wax. Aloha

04-02-2005, 02:14 AM
Thanks for all the replys guys. Tomorrow is the big day. I will post before and after pics for all to see. We`ll see how it goes.

04-03-2005, 01:37 AM
well, went out and buffed the scratches of my buddies ride. As I went to take the before pics, I forgot the batteries in the charger at home, so no pics. Anyways here are the steps I did.

Wash, clay, broke out the PC and yellow cutting pad. squeezed out some SSR2.5 and began on 4 to spread, then up to 6. Buffed back and forth, up and down slowly working the polish into the paint. Wiped down the area with MF, went back same as above for a total of 3X

Then used SSR2.5 with white polish pad, (not sure if I needed this step, but first time doing major paint work) buffed 2.5 same as before 2X.

Then SSR1 with white polish pad, worked polish into paint same manner as above 2X

Finished with Zaino, and topped with Pinnacle Sig paste.

The finished product, most of the maring came out, some left behind, but you need to look at an angle real close to see anything. If you were to look at the panel, you would not know anything was wrong before. I was glad to see the panel cleared up, but kind of dissapointed that there were some left behind. It was a major improvement, 200X`s better than before. He used a Scotch Brite pad to remove some dried up paint from the lanes that are painted in the street. Maybe I should have started with SSR3 and yellow cutting pad, then worked my way down. I`m still happy with the results, just wished I could have removed everything.

Thansk for all the tips guys. Thats why I love this place.

04-03-2005, 06:51 AM
Thanks fellas for the replies. I was just thinking, it can`t get any worse. I`ll try the yellow and 2.5. Do you think I will need 2.5 and a polish pad to get rid of any haze before goingto SSR1? And when I go to SSR1 will I ned a yellow pad or go straight to a white?

I think it depends a lot on the paint. On my Tacoma, I can go straight from 2.5 and a LC Yellow pad to LSP if I want. But on my Z3 - the same combo leaves a haze that I remove with SSR1 with a LC Yellow pad. SSR1 on a LC white pad will not remove the haze. :dunno