View Full Version : Duragloss 601 then Collinite 845?

08-27-2006, 06:20 PM
I have a new car and plan to detail it soon for the very first time, ahead of the coming fall/winter months. After researching these forums, I`ve decided that Collinite 845 is best for my needs as a durable protective coat. My question is, would I be able to use 845 after pre-cleaning the surface with DG 601? Duragloss recommends 601 followed by 105. What I`m wondering is if my car would still "...bond chemically when it comes into contact with durable polishes. Duragloss PBA will double the durability and protection of polishes when applied prior to polishing"? Does Collinite 845 fall into the category (have the same properties) as a "durable polish" such as 105? Correct me if I`m wrong, but it seems the definition of sealants/waxes/polishes get interchanged by both manufacturers and consumers for the same or different products.

The alternative I was thinking, was AIO followed by 845. Either scenario would be topped off by DG Aquawax.

08-27-2006, 06:47 PM
collinite is a wax...601 is meant to assist the bonding of polymer sealants...it says the fancy chemical name on the bottle of what it is compatible with.

so, i don`t think 601 by itself will benefit a wax product.

08-27-2006, 07:09 PM
The 601 is a bonding agent for synthetic polymers sealants...so I do not believe any benefit would result of using it and applying a wax over it...

using the 601 and then either the 105 or the 111 and then the collinite may be better a durable shield....let the 105 seal the paint and the caranuba be your sacrafical barrier ..with both products on you should go the winter no problem...also you can use the Aquawax over the collinite...bi-weekly or monthy for added protection and bringing the shine up a notch...\


08-27-2006, 07:21 PM
Thanks paradigm & AL-53 for clearing that up for me. I think I`ve read a couple comparisons here between Collinite 845 & DG 105 in discussions about durability, and from that came to the wrong conclusion that both products must be in the same category since it seemed like a choice between one or the other. From the sounds of it then, the 601 bonding agent followed by the 105 polish, and then the Collinite 845 wax, is one valid way to go. Perhaps I could also use the AIO before doing all of the above (after a wash & clay bar of course). Maybe I should just buy all 5,000 products discussed here and use everything all at once, and then wrap the car in tin foil, for maximum protection.

08-27-2006, 07:48 PM
i stopped using tinfoil due to micromarring...plastic wrap on top of a thick layer of epoxy and drywall compound is so far the best. ;)