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View Full Version : Qd?

08-24-2006, 07:53 PM
have never done a QD so I have a few questions. I hve DG fast clean and shine and DG aqua wax.... The car was washed and waxed with Gold Class last saturday. I only drive 3 miles to work each day one way 6 miles total. I have little dust streaks where the early morning dew has dried I also have some paw prints in the hood and roof (but thats another post). On the way home today I hit a small drizzle but not enough water to run off the car, more like a mist. Can I use the FC&s for a QD and then hit it with the AW? Or only use the AW after a full wash? Also for QD should I use a plush polish MF or a general duty 16X16 MF? Will I have to use more polishing MF`s for the AW?

Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions..
