View Full Version : How should QD be used?

08-23-2006, 10:35 AM
Okay, I know this may be a simple question, but I usually don`t use QD`s, and I`m now interested in using it after washes.

How do you guys use QD`s? Do you spray it directly onto the paint and then wipe with a MF? Or do you spray onto the MF and then wipe the surface?

08-23-2006, 10:55 AM
I do it many way. All depending on the time I have.

1. Spray a panel liberally with 2-3 sprays. Use one side of MF towel to wipe down panel, and use dry side to buff any trails and streaks.

2. While drying vehicle with MF or WW, spray wet surface with QD and continue to dry vehicle.

3. When QD outdoors after a wash and dry, I spray MF towel with QD and wipe panels to remove water streaks, drips, ect.

Very easy...
