View Full Version : What Autopia Is All About...

08-21-2006, 05:35 PM
Here is a little story I thought other autopians might enjoy...

In June I did a detail (http://autopia.org/forum/showthread.php?t=73516) for a fellow autopian (Luis) who lived about 35 minutes from me, it was a great day to detail, made a big difference in the finish of the vehicle, and all around it was a pleasant detail with kind hosts.

Fast forward to last week and I recieved a PM with the title.."Free Detailing Supplies" from Luis. Luis is in a situation where unfortunately he lost his love for detailing...and wanted to pass along the products to someone he knew was close and could use them. It was a dream come true for a college student. :) ...but through PM`ing back and forth we agreed on a deal to where I could give at least a little something back for the overwhelming kindness. Friday night I arrived at Luis` house and what do I see buy 6 full boxes of detailing supplies, brand new Meguiars brushes, a bunch of microfiber towels, waffle weave towels, Blackfire Products etc.....Over $400 in supplies. I was absolutely floored....From Luis` house I went to Target and bought a bunch of storage containers and went home to organize all my new goodies on my shelves and telling my family and friends of Luis` and what he did for me.

I will post pictures soon of all the stuff he gave me!

I just wanted to share this story with others...to show the kindness fellow autopians have for one another. I have met many people on this forum which I very much enjoy PM`ing back and forth and hearing from them out of the blue and have had some great trades. Autopia is more than just showing off our details and discussing products, its building friendships with other people around the US and even the world and sharing the love of detailing together. I`m sure there are many other stories out there proving that Autopia is a great forum...full of generous people always willing to help out someone in need.

Luis, you`re kindness is very much appreciated and I will never be able to thank you enough for what you gave me. Thanks again to Luis and everyone else I`ve dealt with and talked too on this board! You guys are a great bunch!

08-21-2006, 05:51 PM
Lots of great people on here! When I first got on Autopia I had no idea what to use or how to use it. Also being laidoff at the time trying lots of different products was out of the question. JasonC8301 read on of my posts and saw my dilemma. He was a college student at the time but offered me samples of stuff he had for shipping costs only.

When I recieved the package there were lots of full containers and large plastic bottles full of different products! I`m guessing at least $100 worth. Also I noticed the actual shipping costs were more then what he asked and refused when I offered to send the difference!

Jason and Luis are examples of all the good people on here, and I`m sure there are many more. I`ve never been on a forum such as this where there is no jealousy, where everyone wants everyone else to do a great job on their detailing! :2thumbs:

08-21-2006, 06:46 PM
The generosity is quite something as is your good fortune. How does that go, "sow and so shall ye reap"... but are we missing the passing of an autopian?

Why did Luis decide not to detail any more? Who will watch over his car?

I`m thinking he caught the `new car fever` and then found the cure?

08-21-2006, 06:49 PM
Why did Luis decide not to detail any more? Who will watch over his car?

I will let Luis go further into this if he chooses..I okayed this thread with him before posting so he should be looking at it soon.

08-21-2006, 08:13 PM
Great story!

I too have found the members of Autopia as a whole to be very helpful and willing to either trade product or flat out send it to you to try.

08-21-2006, 09:04 PM
Great story!

I too have found the members of Autopia as a whole to be very helpful and willing to either trade product or flat out send it to you to try.

then again, who doesn`t want to help you out ^_^

08-21-2006, 09:06 PM
The generosity is quite something as is your good fortune. How does that go, "sow and so shall ye reap"... but are we missing the passing of an autopian?

Why did Luis decide not to detail any more? Who will watch over his car?

I`m thinking he caught the `new car fever` and then found the cure?

Well the reason LUIS stopped detailing,or should I say... I stopped detailing is because I have a disability (Spinocerbler Ataixa). It`s a nerve disorder which affects my walking,corrdination,speech and vision ,and in the last 2 years it has gotten worse I can still walk and do everything just slower and with the help of a walker .So that why I lost the love to detail my car (soon to be sold) I which I could afford the "new car fever" (abbeysdad) but I don`t have steady employment and the state doesn`t want to give me my disability money with out a fight. I was going to share the the detail supplies w/all Autopian`s but that would have been to much of a hassle shipping wise ,so I decided too give it all to a local Autopian (Josh) . I now only dream I will pick up detaing again in the future put that seem`s like a pipe dream right now.

08-21-2006, 09:13 PM
Yeah i have got some great business and friends From this site

imported_Tex Star Detail
08-21-2006, 09:13 PM
Well the reason LUIS stopped detailing,or should I say... I stopped detailing is because I have a disability (Spinocerbler Ataixa). It`s a nerve disorder which affects my walking,corrdination,speech and vision ,and in the last 2 years it has gotten worse I can still walk and do everything just slower and with the help of a walker .So that why I lost the love to detail my car (soon to be sold) I which I could afford the "new car fever" (abbeysdad) but I don`t have steady employment and the state doesn`t want to give me my disability money with out a fight. I was going to share the the detail supplies w/all Autopian`s but that would have been to much of a hassle shipping wise ,so I decided too give it all to a local Autopian (Josh) . I now only dream I will pick up detaing again in the future put that seem`s like a pipe dream right now.

Wow man. I do not know what to say. Hang in there. Everything will work out. Don`t you just love the state. I know when my son was diagnosed with cancer, they gave us the cold shoulder. A few months later, they are more than willing to help.

Take Care

08-21-2006, 09:19 PM
Wow man. I do not know what to say. Hang in there. Everything will work out. Don`t you just love the state. I know when my son was diagnosed with cancer, they gave us the cold shoulder. A few months later, they are more than willing to help.

Take Care

Thanks (TexasTB) I`m sure you agree but some days are harder than others,I sure hope everything does work out soon very soon I have been waiting for my appeal for over a year and half.

08-21-2006, 09:33 PM
It is very unfortunate that Luis can no longer detail, but his character is certainly admirable and venerable. Autopia is indeed an sophisticated forum in which kind people are constantly helping each other out. They are willing to spend their precious time to perpetuate their knowledge and spread it around, helping the detailing community as a whole. I have personally learned more knowledge in these few months than I have ever been exposed to in my whole life (well, I`m only 15 :)). I was also given a "detailing package" by a kind member on this board, intended to inspire teenagers like me to pick up a hobby of detailing, which I can say that I am a fanatic of already :) Thank you, all the members of autopia, and the administrators and moderators who work so hard to maintain this excellent forum!

08-21-2006, 09:41 PM
Luis, I`m sincerely sorry to hear about the challenges you`re facing. I thought I was having a bad day today, but my puny problems pale in the face of what you have going on. I wish you all the best.

I also would like to mention a resource you may benefit from. I help moderate one of the forums at http://www.carecure.org ...a website for folks with SCI and other spinal issues going on. There`s a lot of great information and folks who can relate to the sort of things you`re facing. It`s run by Dr Wise Young, the director of the Keck Center for Collaborative Neuroscience at Rutgers University. Stop in sometime, you might find something worthwhile.

08-21-2006, 09:47 PM
Luis, I`m sincerely sorry to hear about the challenges you`re facing. I thought I was having a bad day today, but my puny problems pale in the face of what you have going on. I wish you all the best.

I also would like to mention a resource you may benefit from. I help moderate one of the forums at http://www.carecure.org ...a website for folks with SCI and other spinal issues going on. There`s a lot of great information and folks who can relate to the sort of things you`re facing. It`s run by Dr Wise Young, the director of the Keck Center for Collaborative Neuroscience at Rutgers University. Stop in sometime, you might find something worthwhile.

Thanks for your kind words (velobard) I will check out the fourms tommrow.

08-21-2006, 09:54 PM
If a moderator sees this thread can you please PM me...I have an idea which may be beneficial relating to this thread and I need an approval. Thnx

08-21-2006, 10:08 PM
Luis may you find the help you need to make your day to day activities better !!!

kindest regards mongo