View Full Version : Time needed to clay a 3 yr old Z4 ?

08-18-2006, 12:05 PM
Hi guys

I have been a lurker here for a while. I have my claymagic and my zaino products. Will detail this weekend. I am trying to make sure I have enough "shade" time to do all of this. Might anyone comment on how long it should take for me to clay my little car?



08-18-2006, 12:13 PM
Hey Elise, Welcome! Looks like you have some nice products on your shelf. If I may ask what color is your Z4? The reason I ask is because white cars for me usually take longer to clay because of the orange speckles of brake dust. If I were to estimate, I would bet it will only take you 30-40 minutes tops.

Take the back of your hand and feel your paint, you`ll easily be able to tell how contaminated it is if you feel lot of roughness.

Your areas which will need the most attention will probably be your front bumper-hood-lower panels. Hope this helps you a little! Good luck!

the other pc
08-18-2006, 12:22 PM
...I would bet it will only take you 30-40 minutes tops....Yeah, 30 minutes to clay and 10 minutes to feel the paint and go "ooooooooh, Ahhhhhhh...." ;)

Have fun, Elise! And :welcome to Autopia!


08-18-2006, 12:39 PM
It is the maldives blue (sort of metallic meduim blue). Thanks for the replies, I like these answers :)