View Full Version : Tons of Questions

03-28-2005, 08:27 PM
Just a few questions that have been bothering me for a few days.....

1) With Claying is it bad if i go over my windows or seel around windows... also if it can go on windows how many people really do it

2) Basicly same as number 1 but with Polishes

3) Same as others but with wax

4) Everytime i wash my car next morning dust all over it any way to make this not happen and/or happen in less time

5) Got Leather Interior, and i currently use Armour All Leather Wipes, is this ok for the cold raining months till I hit summer

6) I havnt waxed in Quite some time and I was wondering if people could give me tips on waxing by hand, Most likly ima use liquid Megs Gold Wax

7) On my ceiling I guess owner before me decied to take a shopping list down cause there ink all over it and one line on the leather, how can I get rid of this

8) Floor mats and such how can I clean these good and whats a good way to do it

9) And the last one.... I wash my car, dry it all off, not exaclty sure what they are but they work good, but after I do my rims and wheels and glass I notice Spot were I know I dryed like 12 times, It dont bother my the spots. My real question is after i do all this and see the spots with the Microfibe towel I used to dry the glass Cleaner with (just a little wet) I go over the whole car. Should I not be doing this or can I avoid doing this by just using my Megs WD instead

And Ill say Before hand thank you for all the information giving Love this place and am hoping for a car show soon on Long Island and see some work you guys do

03-28-2005, 10:15 PM
I think that you should break this down this is a lot of info to write up. I will start with some of the questions and then maybe some others will help as well.

1 Clay is good on paint and windows if you run it over rubber its going to turn black on you and its really not made for rubber.
You are removing stuff off the surface like overspray again not in the rubber.

2 Polish will take a bit more off the paint and bring back luster its a good step to follow after clay, however most here would suggest a swril remover to cut those nasty swril marks in the car then polish. Steve at Poorboys World has a great product called polish with carnuba that would be a great one step for you. He is one of the sponsors on this site

3 Wax is treated the same as polish after the Poorboys product that I suggested above you could almost skip the wax step if you wanted to. Also you can use this on windows but there is really not need for that

4 dust is apart of life on cars but this might have a lot to do with where you live and if you have any wax at all on the car some waxes attract dust more than others, I`d buy a California duster its what I use takes minutes and leave the car looking good.

5 for the leather drop the stuff that you are using alltogether. Have a look the sponsors to this site for leather care they have alot of good quality cleaners and conditioners that will help your leather much better than Armour All. Premium auto care link above has a great line up called 4 star that will do your leather right.

6 I would buy the product above from Poorboys World and use that instead of wax to start you want to cut the surface a bit to take off anything that is on there. The clay that you talked about in question 1 is a good start.
The process is work in small areas about 12 x 12 inches at a time this will allow you to get better control over the area. Get some decent pads for working with anyone of the sponsors can help you with this.

7 Get a white terry towel that is clean fold in 4. Get some all purpose cleaner like 409. Spray on the white cloth and gently rub the headliner. You do not want to get the liner to wet if at all. The 409 cleaner will remove the ink again rub gently. I have cleaned many headliners this way with alof of sucess. DO NOT spray the 409 directly on the headliner AWALYS on the towel. I would also find a spot to try before hand jsut to make sure that you do not lift the color or discolor the material.

Ink on leather how long has it been on there?

Hope this gets you off to a good start this is a lot of info to answer I have skimmed the surface to help. I would use the search feature here to look up some of the question for more indepth answers or hang around and read

03-28-2005, 10:26 PM
Ty for the info the only thing is number 6, I know there 10000 of better products but i wanted to know if it will do the job for now over the cold and crappy weather

03-28-2005, 11:06 PM
Sure it will but is it the best for the leather not really I would suggest that you apply then buff the residue off with a clean rag then in the spring but some of the good stuff

03-29-2005, 11:06 AM
OK I`ll finish this for you today was hoping that some other might give you other views, but here goes.

8 Floor mats the rug kind is what I am assuming you have? You want to vacuum the best that you can, take your time here and work the nap of the rug. You can also start with a brush to loosen up the nap before using the vacuum. Then using a good pre-spot remover spray them and let set for a few minutes then work that in with a brush use a plastic bristle type. Then vacuum again to pickup what is there. Next using APC (all purpose cleaner) on a 50/50 water mixture, or woolite with the same mixture. Spray on the mats and get fairly wet again with the brush work into the mats. Then using clean water work them with that water at the same time using the vacuum to lift what`s on the mats. Repeat this process with the clean water to keep lifting the APC cleaner that is left on the mats. Most all if not all the stain should lift from the mats. Set them out in the sun to dry and you should be good to go in a hour or two.

9 I`m unclear as to what you are asking here are you getting water spots on the car surfaces after drying the car?
If that is the case it MIGHT have to do with your car not having any protection on the surface, you did say that you have not waxed the car in some time that might have something to do with it.
Again sorry I`m not clear on what you are asking.

I hope this all helps you I have touched the surface on all your questiosn I would again suggest that you use the search feature on this site to look for answers to these question and allot more!

Good Luck! :bass

03-29-2005, 04:52 PM
On number 9 I got the car waxed when i got it from dealership, but they kinda look like water spots Next time i clean my car I shall take a photo to show you but thanx for all ur info

03-29-2005, 05:22 PM
Do they look like they`re under the wax? My last car had a few places on the hook like that. After i got all the wax and crap off, i figured it was under the clear coat (I bought my car used). So, I dunno what to say there. :/

03-29-2005, 05:57 PM

Get a plastic sandwich bag and put on hand down on a clean surface rub gently over the area that you are talking about. if you feel bumps and I bet you will what you are seeing might be on the top of the paint. Suggestion is to use clay to start then polish next. If they are water spots on the surface you can also use white wine vinegar to disolve them while you are washing the car. The clay and polish afterwards.
I`ll look forward to seeing the pics other wise

03-29-2005, 06:50 PM
I need alot of help on this one
Please tell me I Can do something to make this look somewhat better anything will help

03-29-2005, 06:53 PM
I would try to polish out all that I could and then try some touch-up paint.
You can make it look much better from 10` away, but it looks like the bumper will need to be repainted to make it right.


03-30-2005, 09:14 AM
Where you think I could go to get me some Red Patriot Pearl Touchup Paint, Dealership or is there a company I could go with

03-30-2005, 09:26 AM
Where you think I could go to get me some Red Patriot Pearl Touchup Paint, Dealership or is there a company I could go with

At the dealership. They`ll get the paintcode from the doorjamb or similar area and get you the correct stuff.