View Full Version : Another PC thread

The Gange
08-16-2006, 03:57 PM
So I`ve decided to take the plunge and invest into a PC. The only thing is I don`t know which kit to get from autogeek.net. I know they all have similar purposes, but I still have some questions. I basically want a kit that will come with all the pads and products I need to attack my family`s cars.

The first car is a 2000 Saab 9-5 with 90k. It`s black and has some pretty good amount of swirls. I am guessing I am going to need a pretty aggressive compound and polish to try to refinish it. I would love to get 100% of the swirls and marring out, but even 70% is fine.

The second car is a 2000 Nissan Maxima with 115K. It`s sterling silver and is in much better condition than the Saab. It has light swirls and the paint is in good shape. It gets parked outside in Amherst, MA so it is subjected to some some pretty harsh winters and roads. There are some scratches, none too deep, and some heavy rock chips on the front bumper.

I leave for school in 9 days, so I would like to get the PC ordered hopefully by tonight and delivered with enough time to get both these cars detailed before I leave.

So it basically comes down to, what kit is best for the above two cars. I need one that come with pads (I think they all do, so that is moot) but more importantly, one that comes with the right products to treat my cars.

I appreciate any input. Thanks very much. And I apologize for this thread in advance, I know there are hundreds of PC threads, but I figure this one will help me answer my questions, not just general ones.

Thanks - Sahil

08-16-2006, 04:26 PM
I would reccomend the Optimum kit. I just did a Black 2001 Saab 9-3 convertible, and although the paint was a mess, it buffed like butter, and I used Optimum on it(I used OHC, though). The Maxima shouldn`t be too hard. However, you might want to order another LSP, because I doubt OCW will be enough to get those cars through the winter.

The Gange
08-16-2006, 04:30 PM
Thank you for the quick advice. I was also thinking about another LSP, I was hoping to go with a synthetic, For some reason I thought I heard that they don`t attract dust as much. Especially with all my cars being subjected to a New England Winter, and New England roads, and New England road salt, I wanted to get something that will last a long time and also something that I can apply inbetween using the PC.

08-16-2006, 05:22 PM
Optimum kit or the PoorBoy`s kit.