View Full Version : Autoglym Super Resin Polish

08-15-2006, 09:16 PM
i recently bought this product to try it out. I`ll insert this product after I clay. My question is: after applying autoglym SRP, do I need to wait for 12 hrs for it to cure before I apply my LSP or can I apply my LSP immediately after the SRP?


08-16-2006, 12:47 PM
I`ve done it both ways and I never noticed any difference (even though the product literature says to wait IIRC). If you can, wait, but I doubt it`s a big deal or I would`ve noticed something.

Note that despite the cleaners and (mild) abrasives, I`ve found that (again, as stated in the product literature), you can layer SRP. I tried it without a topper and the area with two applications (24 hours apart, second one applied very gently) lasted longer.

08-16-2006, 11:09 PM
yes. i think the label also suggested a 2nd layer for more protection

08-17-2006, 05:51 AM
You can top super resin with extra gloss protection,without having to wait,which gives greater protection,and a nice carnauba like appearence,very easy to use aswell.

08-17-2006, 07:35 AM

No need to wait to top SRP, just go straight to wax or for EGP, after applying EGP i would wait until the next day as this really looks better and lasts longer if you can keep it dry and untopped.

A second layer of SRP would only really ensure greater coverage incase you missed any parts.


08-17-2006, 11:55 AM
A second layer of SRP would only really ensure greater coverage incase you missed any parts...

That`s what I figured, given all the cleaners and the abrasives, but a half-and-half comparison on the two sides of a panel showed better durability from two layers..uh..make that "two applications". It was a pretty noticeable difference too, changed how I do SRP (if I have the time for the wait/reapply).

Had I not felt like playing around with it (I usually would`ve just topped it after one application of SRP) I never would`ve known, and I probably would`ve argued that it wouldn`t work out that way.

08-17-2006, 12:19 PM
I`ve seen repeat applications of SRP give improved results, but in my experience this has been due to its limited `cleaning` ability; A second application simply removed some of the remaining `crud` left over from the first.

08-17-2006, 08:35 PM
unfortunately the EGP is not available here in the Phils. i don;t know why. what is a good alternative for this? just wax?

08-18-2006, 03:07 AM
Any good carnauba,without cleaners,#26,p21s,souveran,#16,etc,or even one of the collinites if you wan`t more protection.

08-21-2006, 08:11 PM
i have finished my detailing project yesterday. here`s my process:

1. Wash

2. Clay (moms)

3. Autoglym SRP

4. Megs Deep crstal carnauba


08-22-2006, 07:33 AM
unfortunately the EGP is not available here in the Phils. i don;t know why. what is a good alternative for this? just wax?

Any good carnauba,without cleaners,#26,p21s,souveran,#16,etc,or even one of the collinites if you wan`t more protection.

EGP is a polymer sealant so waxes aren`t really an `alternative`. I`d recommend Klasse SG as an alternative product, then use waxes on top of that if you feel the need.

08-25-2006, 10:15 AM
D3mon, i was reffering to the fact that you don`t have to top SRP with EGP,you can go straight to a quality wax.EGP is a blend of hard waxes(carnauba),and resins,it is in fact similar to glanz wax,so a quality carnauba wax is not such a different `alternative`,just my 2cents.