View Full Version : How do I clean my OEM Nav buttons

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08-14-2006, 11:26 PM
So my Lexus IS300 has it`s nav buttons right next to the cupholder it actually replaces one of the cupholders. stupid design on Lexus` part but anyway. I put juice in the cupholder and some spilled onto the nav buttons. Now I`ve tried taking it apart to clean it but I can`t figure it out and I`m also lazy. Can I wipe it down with something to unstick the buttons they are super sticky. I tried wiping down with Optimum No rinse. It helped a bit but still really sticky. I have heard of possibly using some electronic cleaners to unstick em. Well I want to hear from the pros? What would you guys suggest?

08-15-2006, 01:14 AM
50/50 mix of water and alcohol.

08-15-2006, 02:08 AM
Meguiars Quick Interior Detailer :2thumbs:

08-15-2006, 09:30 AM
alchohol is pretty much safe for electronics because it evaporates fast. i mean its not SAFE, but its better to clean with than water

08-15-2006, 09:43 AM
You`re going to need to take it apart as the sticky stuff has likely made it past the top part of the buttons. You can proceed with the alcohol or see if you can find some electronics parts cleaner. My sister got them to replace hers under warranty. It really is a bad location for such controls.

08-15-2006, 10:08 AM
I would try the IPA solution first, but your most likely going to have to get exactly where the juice did to help. I had a similar situation with my laptop, I spilled a little pop in on the keyboard, and all the sugar in the liquid will cause the sticking and you need to completely get rid of the sugars to stop the stickiness etc...I would use caution using some of the electronics cleaners on the market as it can also do damage to certain parts. When I did some looking up on a cleaner Radio Shack told me to use I found a lot of people had ruined their keyboard with the product and I took it to another store and they told me not to use it as it could cause serious damage for certain areas of my laptop. I would go into the dealership and see what they can do for you.

08-15-2006, 10:59 AM
Actually, I`d attempt the cleaning first as the dealer only gives the option to replace and not repair the controls. They`re expensive! Search the net for cleaning the electronics and what to use.

08-15-2006, 11:04 AM
yea, you need to be very careful with electronic cleaner sprays - the fluid (perhaps in excess) flows along with any disolved juice/gunk further into the device... which cold be a very bad thing.

Blowing fuses, shorting the unit out - ?

If you can`t clean it properly with modest effort from outside, it needs disassembly and/or replacement.

08-15-2006, 01:00 PM
SO I`m wondering which should I try first the Alcohol or should I try the electronics cleaner first.


I really don`t want to screw it up because I don`t want to have the buttons replaced. It is such crap design. Anyway I look forward to everyone`s input.

08-15-2006, 01:05 PM
I say the alcohol. Make sure it dries a day(going for caution) before you reinstall it. DO remove it from the car and be sure to clean under and all around it just in case.;)

08-15-2006, 01:16 PM
SO I`m wondering which should I try first the Alcohol or should I try the electronics cleaner first.


I really don`t want to screw it up because I don`t want to have the buttons replaced. It is such crap design. Anyway I look forward to everyone`s input.

After looking at the electronic cleaners` MSDS, they seem to be mostly ethanol (grain alcohol) and propane/butane (propellants). You`d probably be just as good with IPA (isopropyl alcohol) unless you already have a can of the electronic cleaner stuff. I`d try diluting the IPA at least 1:1 first.

08-15-2006, 01:43 PM
Use distilled water.;)

08-15-2006, 01:49 PM
I really don`t want to take this thing apart. I`ll try the distilled water with alcohol solution. See if it comes out that way. I`ll spray down a MF and wipe and see what happens. Hopefully it will work. I`ll try it out this evening. Thanks for the advice guys.

08-15-2006, 01:55 PM
IMO you don`t have a choice but to take it apart. If you spray/flood the controls from the top you`ll just force the "gunk" down into the control panel. You may just find that by taking the cover off that you`ll only need to clean it and the buttons.

08-16-2006, 08:01 AM
My vote is for straight rubbing alcohol. When you`re putting it on, push the buttons so it can get around them and use a Q-tip to really get in there. You`re not really trying to remove everything, just the juice around the buttons making them stick. If it got around behind them into the actual switch itself (which I think is unlikely unless you were drinking it out of a high-pressure hose), then it`ll need to be removed and cleaned.

Whatever you do, don`t try to take it out yourself if it comes to that. Today`s cars are a 3D jigsaw puzzle of interlocking plastic parts, and chances are high that you will break something.