View Full Version : Scotch brite pad...Wetsand?

08-14-2006, 07:23 PM
Well I had a detail today where I re-visted a truck I did back in March. After about $7,500 in body modifications the thing looked totally different. Will have pictures tomorrow of the detail and overall before/after compared to the last time I did it. The owner got these hood scoops and it said in the directions for him to scuff up the surface with a scotbrite pad to help them adhere better. Well he didnt outline the scoops and went outside the area..and it isnt pretty :(

He`s coming to my house tomorrow and we`re going to try some wetsanding. Without pictures..does anyone think 3000 grit will be enough to get out the scuff marks?

Another problem with the truck..he painted the whole bottom of his truck underbody black when it was up on a lift....the whole truck was covered in overspray...:( The finish felt like sandpaper and my hand could barely glide over the surface :( The horror...Clay was my best friend!! But I still need something stronger, any ideas? Any type of liquid I could use.

Definately check back tomorrow in the click and brag, the truck looks sick with all the mods. I was blown away.

08-14-2006, 08:09 PM
Wow $7500 in mods

It depends on which pads he used, there are different grades. I would probably use 2000 grit. Still easy to remove the sanding marks.

I sort of had to repair the same thing today. Not sure on what was used to scratch the paint. Someone removed a plastic bug deflector from the hood and used somthing to scratch off the glue from the little rubber bumpers the are applied to the hood. Because of the areas, i had to remove scratches by hand.

I used OHC on wax pad, which left alot of marring itself. Then 50/50 OC-OP and then OP.


Because this car had an appointment and i just received some Sonus products, exactly one week shipping the Canada, great service David. I decided to try the Swirlbuster combo, pad and polish. It needed a little more TLC but a quick once over with the combo and a OCW finish and it came out nice. Very good first impression.

08-15-2006, 04:22 AM
theres all differant grades of scotch pad

i think 1500/2000/2500 would be more like it