View Full Version : clear bra scratch repair

08-14-2006, 04:30 PM
i`ll be working on a black 03 VW beetle w/ a DuPont or 3M (owner doesn`t remember the brand) clear bra on it. he said the clear bra was damaged when someone (cough...wife...cough) used a BRILLO pad to remove bugs off the front of the car. :eek:

any recommendations on repairing this (if it`s even possible?)???

i haven`t seen it yet, but wanted to begin researching...


08-15-2006, 11:45 AM
I have some scratches on my clear bra from flying rocks. You can`t do anything about it. Try some light polishing with Plastx otherwise if it really cut into the material, you need to replace it.

08-15-2006, 12:17 PM
Hello, I don`t mean to hi-jack this thread, but I have an issue with a clear bra too.. I can certainly start a new thread if needed..

I ran over a piece of tire the other day. You know the huge, re-tread chunks of tires, that a semi looses... I was last in a line of 3 cars, that got nailed by the thing..

Anyway, this piece of tire left a pretty good black rubber mark on my clear bra. It didn`t come off with regular washing and scrubbing with soap, etc..

Any ideas for getting this off? Do have to get that part of the bra replaced..?

08-15-2006, 12:20 PM
Hello, I don`t mean to hi-jack this thread, but I have an issue with a clear bra too.. I can certainly start a new thread if needed..

I ran over a piece of tire the other day. You know the huge, re-tread chunks of tires, that a semi looses... I was last in a line of 3 cars, that got nailed by the thing..

Anyway, this piece of tire left a pretty good black rubber mark on my clear bra. It didn`t come off with regular washing and scrubbing with soap, etc..

Any ideas for getting this off? Do have to get that part of the bra replaced..?

DEJAVU!!! I recently hit a retread and had marks all over my bumper and front lip. ALthough I do not have a clear bra, regular washing did nothing. When I polished the car, it came right out. I would try a very very mild abrasive polish after trying clay first! If the clay doesn`t work for you, give the light polish a try. It should come right off.

08-15-2006, 12:37 PM
Don`t hold me to this!! I just had a clear bra installed on my new Lexus and the installer told me that you can wipe the bra down with straight rubbing alcohol to clean and take out small scratches. Might try this. Let me know if it works for any of you.

08-15-2006, 12:48 PM
I just had a clear bra installed on my new Lexus and the installer said that you can clean and remove small scratches with straight rubbing alcohol. Let me know if any one has tried this.

08-15-2006, 01:00 PM
Try using some gel bug and tar remover too. That has worked pretty good for me at removing stuff from my bra.

08-15-2006, 01:22 PM
My parents happen to own the RX 330 with a 3M clear bra on the front portion of the hood, factory installed. I`ve asked what they recommended for cleaning the bra and they told me to use window cleaner. I wouldn`t recommend useing any kind of tar or bug remover because some eat up plastics and/or change the color of the surface of the plastic. Visit the 3M site for better advice... this is all I have learned of them so far.