View Full Version : Starting with a fresh clean surface

08-14-2006, 12:09 PM
Hi Guys,

Got a few questions. How do i safely remove the wax/sealant off the surface of my car. I`m wanting to start over. I have Pinnacle Paint cleansing lotion, Wolfgang DGPS, Souveran. Do I just start with the PCL, then DGPS, and then the Souveran. Or is there anything else i should do. How long do i need to wait between them in order for them cure properly? I`ve read that using Dawn is pretty much a waste of time. Great website. I come here everyday. Any replies, greatly appreciated.

08-14-2006, 12:59 PM
I generally don`t worry much about removing existing products before I do the sort of work you`re planning. The PCL oughta work fine- it`s nice and mild and is a good choice for this sort of thing.

If you clay first that`ll probably compromise the existing LSP a bit too (depending on how aggressively you clay).

There are solvents that I like (AutoInt`s New Car Prep) and you can also use rubbing alcohol, but again, I`d just trust the PCL to do the job.

Haven`t used the Wolfgang so I can`t say about wait times before the Souveran, but no need to wait after using the PCL.

08-14-2006, 01:02 PM
I generally don`t worry much about removing existing products before I do the sort of work you`re planning. The PCL oughta work fine- it`s nice and mild and is a good choice for this sort of thing.

If you clay first that`ll probably compromise the existing LSP a bit too (depending on how aggressively you clay).

There are solvents that I like (AutoInt`s New Car Prep) and you can also use rubbing alcohol, but again, I`d just trust the PCL to do the job.

Haven`t used the Wolfgang so I can`t say about wait times before the Souveran, but no need to wait after using the PCL.

:werd: Just proceed with the PCL, WG, Souveran and everything should be fine.

08-14-2006, 01:12 PM
Thanks Accumulator. I`ll just start out with the PCL. If i use the rubbing alcohol is there a ratio i need to use with water? Sorry to get off topic, but do you use white vinegar to clean your MF`s? How much do you use and do you mix it with laundry detergent? Sorry for all the questions. I`m a newbie. Thanks agian.

08-14-2006, 01:15 PM
Thanks ZaneO. I like that hood on your Z28.

08-14-2006, 01:44 PM
For the alcohol, mix Isopropyl Alcohol 50/50 with water

08-14-2006, 01:54 PM
Thanks Bigpoppa! Do i use it like a QD and mist it on the car?

08-14-2006, 02:01 PM
**off topic**

I applied Megs Gold Class Paste Wax ~4-5 weeks ago, I have sealant down (Collinite or Ex-P), is it safe to say that the GC wax is gone compeletly, and will it be okay to start layering down Natty Blue?

Sorry Cooter, I didn`t want to start new thread.

08-14-2006, 03:22 PM
Do i use it like a QD and mist it on the car?

Yes, but make sure you get full coverage. Let it sit for 30 seconds-1 minute and take it off like a QD.

08-14-2006, 06:13 PM
Cooter- You can use the rubbing alcohol (AKA, IPA ) either straight or diluted. I generally use it straight but you might keep it off black trim to be on the safe side. To expand just a little on what Bigpoppa3346 posted, you`re really just using it as a solvent...get it on the waxed surface, let it dwell for a while so it softens the wax, then wipe off with a soft MF.

BMWWW- I don`t see any reason why you couldn`t apply the NB, shouldn`t matter whether the GC is gone or not :nixweiss

08-14-2006, 08:33 PM
Thanks BigPoppa and thanks Accumulator for the replies. I think i`m gonna hold off on the alc this time, but thats something i`ve been wondering about for a while. Thanks agian for the info.