View Full Version : DP Xtreme Foam Formula Auto Shampoo

Setec Astronomy
08-13-2006, 02:30 PM
Well, I knocked this into my cart when strolling through Autogeek last week. The instructions on the bottle for using the foam gun didn`t really specify the orifice setting, so I couldn`t tell what their dilution ratio, so I just used the bucket ratio (0.5 oz/gal) when mixing up a cup.

Afterwards, I went to their website, where they mention the orifice setting, and my math tells me that they are instructing an effective 3 oz/gal for the foam gun. I think just about any wash would give me "extreme" foam at 6 times the bucket dilution ratio, heck, most of them give fine foam AT the bucket dilution ratio.

Wash results later.

Setec Astronomy
08-13-2006, 07:51 PM
Meh, seems like any thick car shampoo (GC, etc.). Decent foam, but nothing out of the ordinary. Didn`t seem to streak as badly as GC if you let it dry, but that can be said for many others. I`d say this is more of a marketing breakthrough than a product one. If anyone else is considering this, try doubling or tripling, or...um...sixing? your regular shampoo first.

08-13-2006, 08:45 PM
is this the same soap that ag is marketing for the foam gun?

08-14-2006, 11:57 AM
Did you mix the soap with some water inside the foam canister? What was the dilution ratio of the soap/water solution in the canister?

Bucket dilution 1 oz per gallon.

Foam gun - 1 oz soap mixed with 1.5 oz water. Foamgun is set for middle setting of 4oz/gallon.

Based on the above - I am shooting GC at 2/5`s dilution (2 parts soap + 3 parts water) * 4= 8/5 = 1 3/5.

Therefore, I am using 1 3/5 the recommended bucket dilution rate.

Yes, it`s more, but the amount of suds I get is amazing! It clings, lubricates, and just helps the wash pad glide. The extra amount of soap used is well worth it.

At autogeek, they recommend 2 oz soap mixed with min 6oz`s of water in the foam canister. At the 12 oz setting that is:

2/8 ( 2 parts soap+6 parts water) * 12 = 24/8 = 3 oz`s per gallon. That`s actually only 3 times the amount. Now, I do agree with you that any soap will foam up greatly at that dilution ratio. Personally, I don`t think you`ll ever need to use that much. I think they recommend that for maximum foaming (like in the Hummer pic.)

You definitely need to customize it to your own settings and soap. The recommendation is just that, a recommendation.

Setec Astronomy
08-14-2006, 01:12 PM
The bucket dilution for this soap is nominally 0.5 oz/gal., so their gun dilution is 6 times that. I have used tons of soaps in my foam gun and generally I try to hit the recommended (bucket) dilution in the gun. My point with this is that I question as to whether there is anything special about this soap to make it a "foam gun" soap. I think you would get those same Hummer pictures (or better) if you cranked up your GC ratio to 6 times the bucket dilution. Perhaps next time I am using GC I will slide the lever over several notches and see. With any of these soaps, I would worry about streaking and LSP removal at the high concentrations.