View Full Version : detailing gives me weird feelings

08-11-2006, 11:06 PM
yeap like most of you autopians, i am totally obsessed with it. to the point where i cant sleep the night before because i know i have a car to detail the next day. yet when i get around to it, right in the middle of the polishing stage, i totally hate it. especially if its swirled pretty badly where you have to use like 3 different polishes.. lol i take breaks where i stand there holding my pc with numb arms, just staring at the car wishing it was done. you know where you just feel like ditching it and going home to take a nap/ worrying about it later. yeah i always end up finishing though of course. but despite all of that, the next day i still go out and do my thing that i love/hate. iono what keeps me goin.. haha, weird just thought i`d share. WDYT.

08-11-2006, 11:16 PM
I know how that feels. I think after about 2 years of detailing I am finally getting to that comfort zone of detailing. The big fight with me is getting out of bed in the morning so I can make it to the detail. Once I am there I the only feeling I usually get is: "this is worse than I thought, I should have quoted 50-100 more." I know that it will take me 5-6 hours for a full detail so I know not to expect to get out any sooner.

Your feelings are not out there as Im sure we all feel that or have felt them at one time.

Happy Detailing, I hope!


08-11-2006, 11:22 PM
Once I am there I the only feeling I usually get is: "this is worse than I thought, I should have quoted 50-100 more."

Haha, amen!