View Full Version : Scuff mark on rubber molding

08-10-2006, 11:56 AM
My car`s in the shop this week getting a few minor dents repairs due to storm damage from the stuff that hit St Louis last month. Insurance paid out $2600 after my $100 deductible and I just negotiated with them for an additional $350 appearance allowance for the scuff mark on the rubber molding around my back window. This was caused by a tree branch brushing against the car.


The molding is encapsulated with the glass, so to repair it they would have to replace a $700 window. I just got a call from the adjuster this morning that she`s sending out the additional check for $350 today. :2thumbs:

So yes, to a small extent at least my Autopian values do have a price. (Ka-ching!) The shop gave me a good deal on painting the rest of the car and taking care of some issues with a couple minor door dings and things I wasn`t satisfied with from a repair done in March.

Anyway, now I`d like to get some ideas on what I can do to hide the scuff mark. Suggestions?

FYI, this is what the car looked like when I dropped it off at the body shop at the beginning of the week.


Yes, the damage is on this side of the car. It`s just a couple small dents on the top of the RR door frame and a couple tiny ones on the edge of the roof. I`m without my car for the week and I`d neglected to ask my ins agent for a rider to cover a rental car, but I`d have to say Farm Bureau is treating me pretty well on this one. I have my fingers crossed on how it`s gonna come out, but the shop was recommended by a local classic car dealer. The shop promised me they`ll make it look like new. To be honest, I`ve never had a car that needed to be repainted less than this one (largely thanks to Autopia), but I`m anxious to see how it`s gonna look when I get it back in a few days.

08-10-2006, 10:21 PM
Bump for ideas on what to do to fix the scuff on the molding. From elsewhere so far I`ve had people suggest using thinner and #0000 steel wool. Any other ideas?

Setec Astronomy
08-11-2006, 07:08 AM
No, but when you find out, let me know! Although the dealer denied it, my car has a slim jim mark on the driver`s window molding (when I went to look at the car, they said they had misplaced the key, that I could sit in it but I couldn`t drive it, I wondered how they got the car unlocked if they had misplaced the key... :idea )

08-11-2006, 07:20 AM
What have you tried that didn`t work? You know, to save me a little frustration.

Setec Astronomy
08-11-2006, 08:12 AM
Just some trim dressing and rubbing it with a MF...I have been afraid to make it any worse than it is.