View Full Version : #80 speed glaze fillers?

08-09-2006, 08:47 PM
As the title infers I was wondering if #80 contains any fillers.

If not, what should I use after it, could I get away with using something like.....

sonus sfx-1


*add sonus sfx-3???? or is #80 enough...

Obviously clay and everything before I`m just looking for something a little stronger then sfx-2 but a little less then sfx-1 :) I`m picky..

Thanks in advance,


08-09-2006, 08:49 PM
80 does have a good amount of fillers

08-09-2006, 08:51 PM
From my experience using it, it appears to have fillers. I usually top with a pure carnauba (e.g. #16)

08-09-2006, 08:51 PM
#80 *worked properly* doesn`t fill.

08-09-2006, 08:56 PM
mm ok...but it also besides filling the swirls help reduce them by rounding the edges and stuff?

08-09-2006, 09:07 PM
I never looked at it under magnification to see what it does to the surface but I have done the wipe down and bright lights and the surface was unchanged.

08-09-2006, 10:41 PM
It leaves behind an oil film for high gloss, but anytime you apply a liquid to the surface(that leaves something behind), you are going have some filling.

I did a test and a write up on it at Meguairsonline.com. I buffed my car with a rotary and wool pad lubed with detail spray to induce marring. Then I removed the marring with 80 and a PC. It took two passes. Then I cleaned the area with simple green, window cleaner, and IPA. And the swirls never came back. Here is the link...


08-09-2006, 10:45 PM
This topic is as old as the hills. 80 removes swirls, 80 will also do some minor filling if it is unable to successfully remove all the swirls. The key is using 80 *when it`s appropriate for the job at hand*. Light swirls, awesome, use 80. Heavy swirls, use 83 and follow with 80. If you use 80 on anything more than light marring it may not have the bite to remove them all and may do some filling. Cheers.

08-09-2006, 11:03 PM


Others have asked the same question...

08-10-2006, 12:04 AM
To answer your question as to what to follow up with, it`s usually not necessary for a step inbetween #80 and the LSP, but I like to use either VM or RMG before I put the topper on to get that extra punch that it delivers. #80 is a very nice product in my book.


08-10-2006, 03:01 AM
As for a pre polish like AIO would this be a bad idea before you use the #80? Say if the car was oxidized and needed some cleaning up with AIO and than to remove/fill the mess up with M80?

TH0001 has already answered this question is some debth, but id like more of an understanding of the products tantrums with other products being used with it. I believe he said Werksatts was a great product to use with this.

Anyways would using AIO before using 80 hurt anything, lessson the ability for M80`s oils to fully bond?


08-10-2006, 11:35 AM
cosmom3- The only potential problem from using AIO first is that the #80 will have to cut through the little bit of protection that the AIO leaves behind.

FWIW on the filling issue, I used #80 via Cyclo/green pads on the A8. I then followed it with an AIO-type product (the old Pinnacle Creme Glaze). The cleaners in the Pinnacle stripped off the trade secret oils/etc. that the #80 left behind, exposing some marring that I`d *thought* I`d removed. I had worked the #80 until it cleared out and used it more than once in most areas, but the hard Audi clear must`ve been too tough for it to completely correct the marring to the extent that I`d expected.

08-10-2006, 12:43 PM
cosmom3- The only potential problem from using AIO first is that the #80 will have to cut through the little bit of protection that the AIO leaves behind.

FWIW on the filling issue, I used #80 via Cyclo/green pads on the A8. I then followed it with an AIO-type product (the old Pinnacle Creme Glaze). The cleaners in the Pinnacle stripped off the trade secret oils/etc. that the #80 left behind, exposing some marring that I`d *thought* I`d removed. I had worked the #80 until it cleared out and used it more than once in most areas, but the hard Audi clear must`ve been too tough for it to completely correct the marring to the extent that I`d expected.

Lies! You`re just a keyboard toting "detailing guru"! :chuckle:

Dr Buff
09-16-2012, 06:29 PM
I personally utilise Speed glaze as one of my paint correction procedures for the mere fact that it does actually remove swirling and light webbing and most customers are never usually concerned with the deeper scratches as it is not the deeper scratches that destroy that glass finish but the thousands of webbing scratches that do so.

Having used this product repeatedly with varied pads and buffers, I feel safe in basically guaranteeing that this product does contain fillers but definitely does remove damage from top surfaces. I have even used it to remove deeper scratches and it will work depending on your pad selection and machine choice.

This is definitely a product that will remove scratches and swirls but will leave behind holograms and even with a DA. If you look closely enough after having wiped down the surfaces with alcohol, you will spot the holograms, especially on dark colors. This is an abrasive and any abrasive will leave holograms. You " MUST " complete the treatment followed with a DA and finishing polish to be assured there will be no marring or holograms left behind