View Full Version : Rust Stain Removal from Inner door Jam

08-08-2006, 02:44 PM
Hey guys, I noticed a rust stain around a bolt on the inner door jam on the g/f`s honda.

How do i remove the stain? Its not through the door or anything, but looks like a hard water/rust stain from the bolt going downward to the bottom of the door.



08-08-2006, 06:30 PM
bump - anyone with some advise. thanks.

08-08-2006, 06:50 PM
Noting that rust really doesn`t sleep, I`d clean it off with some paint-friendly rust remover (like Eastwood`s Oxysolve) and/or treat it with a rust conveter. Then put a little touchup paint on it. A messier solution would be to spray a little rustproofing on it.

To really do it right you`d: run the bolt out, sand/etc. off the loose rust, treat with rust converter, prime with something like RustBullet or (my fave) Eastwood`s Rust Encapsulator, paint, then run the bolt back in (having done the same thing to any rusted areas on the bolt, or maybe just replacing it).