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08-08-2006, 07:20 AM

08-08-2006, 07:31 AM

There are pictures of me floating around here somewhere doing the exact same thing on a Honda Element.

Setec Astronomy
08-08-2006, 07:47 AM
Wow...I`m going to run out and do that right after I find a tablespoon of acetone to put in my gas tank so I get 200 mpg.

Seriously, I`m sure the PB works for a day or two (an hour or two in the sun) but I can think of a lot better trim treatments that won`t make my car attractive to every rodent on the block ;).

08-08-2006, 07:53 AM
Wow...I`m going to run out and do that right after I find a tablespoon of acetone to put in my gas tank so I get 200 mpg.

Seriously, I`m sure the PB works for a day or two (an hour or two in the sun) but I can think of a lot better trim treatments that won`t make my car attractive to every rodent on the block ;).

Actually you would be surprised at how well the PB works. My cousin has an Element and I don`t know what was used on it but the wax stains would not come off all of the trim. We tried everything and a day or week later they would come back. The PB was a pita but it never came back and that was over two years ago.

08-08-2006, 07:53 AM
Oh sheesh. I guess having car-care products that smelled like something edible wasn`t good enough. I`ll pass.

At least you wouldn`t have to worry if the rugrats got into your car-care stash.

Setec Astronomy
08-08-2006, 08:04 AM
Actually you would be surprised at how well the PB works. My cousin has an Element and I don`t know what was used on it but the wax stains would not come off all of the trim. We tried everything and a day or week later they would come back. The PB was a pita but it never came back and that was over two years ago.

I have to respectfully disagree. I`ve never used an oily trim product that did anything but hide wax stains; they come back eventually. The only thing that worked for me was the Bill North EO A2Z (or I`ve used APC) scrub. Unless you were relying on the abrasive action of chunky peanut butter to remove the wax :p

I think I tried the PB once...but I`ll stick to using it for sandwiches and baiting mouse traps :D

PS I guess I`ve heard tell of people using those oily trim dressings on a mf and scrubbing--I can see that working, but in that case, like with the A2Z, you`re getting your result mostly from the mechanical scrubbing, and secondarily from any cleaner/solvent action in the product.

08-08-2006, 08:20 AM
I have to respectfully disagree. I`ve never used an oily trim product that did anything but hide wax stains; they come back eventually. The only thing that worked for me was the Bill North EO A2Z (or I`ve used APC) scrub. Unless you were relying on the abrasive action of chunky peanut butter to remove the wax :p

I think I tried the PB once...but I`ll stick to using it for sandwiches and baiting mouse traps :D

PS I guess I`ve heard tell of people using those oily trim dressings on a mf and scrubbing--I can see that working, but in that case, like with the A2Z, you`re getting your result mostly from the mechanical scrubbing, and secondarily from any cleaner/solvent action in the product.

You are compairing oily trim dressing to peanut butter? The oils in the peanut butter are not shining the trim...they are eating away at the stain. Unless I missunderstood what you where saying.

Here is what I did...spread PB on the trim, let stand for 15-20 minutes, and sprayed off with a hose. There was no scrubbing involved.

08-08-2006, 08:35 AM
You can dress it with the new Smuckers Trim Dressing..smells just like grapes!!! LOL

I may have to try the peanut butter..I had a couple spots that even wax blaster and a tooth brush couldn`t get...is it more effective on wax than on sealant stains?

I`ve done the wheel cleaner/toothbrush/microfiber method with success..

08-08-2006, 08:36 AM
So im guessing it doesnt work just thought i would post to get some ideas

Setec Astronomy
08-08-2006, 08:42 AM
You are compairing oily trim dressing to peanut butter? The oils in the peanut butter are not shining the trim...they are eating away at the stain. Unless I missunderstood what you where saying.

Here is what I did...spread PB on the trim, let stand for 15-20 minutes, and sprayed off with a hose. There was no scrubbing involved.

I`m saying that the oils in the PB are soaking into the wax and making it look shiny instead of white, just like an oxidized car looks shiny when it`s wet. Same thing an oily trim dressing does. How could you spray off PB with a hose? I can`t get it out of the jar with anything less than Dawn and scalding water--sounds to me like you just left a layer of PB on that Element...maybe when it crusts over it`s weatherproof? :nixweiss Or maybe you just had some wimpy wax...I couldn`t get EX-P stains off without a lot of scrubbing and A2Z/APC...it stuck to my trim a lot better than it did to my paint (and only showed up later on my trim...but that`s another story).

Of course, I could be wrong.

Setec Astronomy
08-08-2006, 08:45 AM
So im guessing it doesnt work just thought i would post to get some ideas

I`m sure it does work. I guess I just look at that stuff as hiding rather than removing, kind of like a glaze does on paint. If Danase says it worked for him, I believe him, I just have never been that lucky. I learned the hard way getting NXT in everything on my friend`s car, and my EX-P experience on mine.

08-08-2006, 08:50 AM
So im guessing it doesnt work just thought i would post to get some ideas

It does work...that is my point. ;)

And when I say I got it off with a hose we did it down the street at the local quarter car wash. I don`t think a garden hose would of gotten it off but I didn`t try it because I did not want a driveway full of PB. ;) This was done over 2 years ago and this Element still does not have stains showing on it. So I guess, even if it does not remove it and just covers it up it is well worth it. ;)

08-08-2006, 09:09 AM
I`ve used PB to remove road paint, worked great!

08-08-2006, 09:31 AM
Hmmmmmm Interesting

08-08-2006, 09:32 AM
hey you guys do it and i dont so i dont know, but wouldnt it be easier just to use peanut oil? cause isnt that what is doing the "work" anyway?