View Full Version : Z-5 PRO or FK1?

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08-03-2006, 10:55 PM
I am in the market for a new lsp again. Seems that I use one product twice and I have to have a new one. I only have FK1 and Zaino before I have everything I want.

I want to get either Z-5 PRO and Z-8, or #2180 and FX-1000. Both will have Z-6 and #425 on the order. Over OP, what would yalls preferences be? Mettalic grey is the color. I have heard great things about both, but they say that z-5 will outshine z-2.

Also, can I use Z-1 for Z-5 PRO without any harmfull effects? I already have a nearly full bottle and if I can use that rather than buy the ZFX for $20, I would like that very much

Thanks guys

Thomas Dekany
08-03-2006, 11:49 PM
if you want durability, you will be very happy with FK1

Put 2180 on and top it with #1000

08-04-2006, 01:04 AM
I doubt you will be able to distinguish the end results from either.

The differences will be in price, FK in bulk quantities is very cheap.

Durability will probably be better for Zaino, to me that doesn`t matter

so much because I quick detail fairly often. THe Fk does have a very

good ability to ward off the next wash in their anti static products (look

for the lightning bolt on the Finishkareusa.com site). And FK is very

compatible with non FK products like Aqua Wax, Natty`s, Werkstatt Prime and Trigger.

Zaino is intended to be used with only Zaino from what I have heard.

08-04-2006, 01:58 AM
There is no question go with Zaino. FK1 cannot compare to Z5pro & Z8. Besides durability Zaino blows FK1 away for me. Your talking Rolex vs Timex.

08-04-2006, 02:05 AM
I now LOVE Z5PRO!!! That`s all i have to say about that.

08-04-2006, 06:01 AM
There is no question go with Zaino. FK1 cannot compare to Z5pro & Z8. Besides durability Zaino blows FK1 away for me. Your talking Rolex vs Timex.

Now I find that a bit of a stretch IMHO.

I have tried both of my family`s cars and, as racingbeat mentioned, you will probably see little difference at the end product if both are preped right. Durability wise, I am still testing it, zaino would be the best bet. On the roadfly/detailing forum those guys are doing extensive tests with FK (that says something, being they are mostly zaino followers).

That being said, you seem to mention in your origional post that you keep wanting to try new LSPs. Fk would be more versatile with other products as mentioned earlier. Decide what are your top few criterias, and then you should go with whatever fits best, that`s what I do whenever I am deciding (afterall, there are ALOT of great LSPs out there...and not enough time/money to try them all). You will be happy either way.

08-04-2006, 07:22 AM
There is no question go with Zaino. FK1 cannot compare to Z5pro & Z8. Besides durability Zaino blows FK1 away for me. Your talking Rolex vs Timex.

Just curious, which FK1 products have you tried?

08-04-2006, 07:30 AM
I think you would find that Z5 and Z8 are very similar in terms of function and appearance to the Duragloss 105 and AW that you have previously used. If you are looking for a different look from 105, Z5 will not be it.

08-04-2006, 08:41 AM
I`m sure you already know my answer :) (Z5 Pro).

I have tried both #2180 and #1000. I found #1000 VERY hard to work with and the look of #2180 was a bit too plasticky for me:


Z5 Pro provides a bit deeper/wetter look and it, along with Z8 are an absolute breeze to use.

08-04-2006, 08:42 AM
Zaino. Thats all...

08-04-2006, 09:41 AM
I think you would find that Z5 and Z8 are very similar in terms of function and appearance to the Duragloss 105 and AW that you have previously used. If you are looking for a different look from 105, Z5 will not be it.

I am worried about that.

But I have seen some of seans pics of z-5 pro and they are nothing short of stunning.

So could you use Z-1 with Z-5? That may be my deciding factor.

08-04-2006, 09:59 AM
Yes you can use Z-1 with Z5pro. But then only 1 coat every 24 hours.

On the roadfly/detailing forum those guys are doing extensive tests with FK (that says something, being they are mostly zaino followers).

Mostly zaino followers? If you look at the threads over there, there is not a lack of FK threads and supporters.

I personally have not used FK, but so far customers are loving Z5pro. It will go next on the wifes BMW.

08-04-2006, 02:55 PM
I think 1000P is easier to use than any of the popular Collinites, and provides nearly identical beading characteristics, protection - with much higher gloss. LOVE IT!

08-04-2006, 03:19 PM
does 1000p go over the sealant? how often do you reapply?

and where does 217 fit in?

08-04-2006, 03:48 PM
1000P can go over bare paint (polished, of course :D), sealants and over certain waxes (with higher synthetic content). I don`t know when to reapply, because it is yet to reach the point when I`ll decide to renew it/top it/boost it.

217 is a very mild one step, with little powder content and produces a wonderful gloss. Alone, it can go 2-3 months, depending on the conditions.