View Full Version : Reccomendations needed

08-03-2006, 08:14 PM
Hello all, new to the forums, so sorry if I sound like a complete newbie.

I have a 2001 Mustang GT in True Blue, and have washed my car once a week since I have owned the thing. I`ve put Meguiars NXT Tech Wax on once every couple weeks, but that`s as far as I have ever gone. The stuff seems to disappear after a few days. What I am looking for out of this forum, is suggestions to help my dingy paint come back to life. I have some mad swirlies, and would like some ideas on how to get rid of them, along with any ideas on some chemical combinations and steps to really make my car shine again. I have about a billion chips on my hood, but I`ve come to terms with them, being the car is a daily driver. I am just tired of new ugly cars parking next to me, and outshining my car!

I`ve seen Natty`s Blue mentioned alot on the forum, so I suspect I will be ending up with some of that. I just need to know what steps to take, what chemicals will be required, and where to get them. I`d ~prefer~ to be able to pick the stuff up from a local store, but if the good stuff is only mail order, then so be it. I have a polisher, but that thing scares me. I`d prefer to do it all by hand. Sorry about all of the new guy questions! Thanks!

08-03-2006, 08:23 PM
i`ll start the replies with two words that will change you and your car`s lives: Porter Cable. :)

you won`t get the swirls and scratches out by hand. i`m just beginning at all of this, so i`ll bow out now and let the experts do their thing. :)

08-03-2006, 08:25 PM
Get poor boys polish with carnuba and then toss natty`s on it. Will look nice. To remove swils consider a PC with SSR2.5...

Check out autogeek.net, they havea forum too.

08-03-2006, 08:26 PM
This forum gets one of these posts about every couple of days; here`s my standard response. Read and absorb the knowledge on the site. It is impossible to answer "what will make my car look awesome" in one post or even one thread. The look of your vehicle at it`s best is a process, and as such you will need to become knolwedgeable in all the steps of that process if you want it to look its best.

That being said you should do these things if you haven`t before:

Clay the vehicle

Polish the vehicle to remove swirls

Washing and waxing are things that many people do to some extent, and it sounds like you are ahead of the masses in that department already. What kind of "polisher" do you have? If it is a Craftsman type polisher then don`t worry about being scared of it because it`s only good for use as a paperweight. Even a Porter Cable is hard to damage a car`s finish with.