View Full Version : Work order for these PB products?

08-02-2006, 02:56 PM

Just ordered some PB`s stuff for my black TT.

Natty`s Paste Wax (BLUE)

Spray and Gloss


Professional Polish (new formula)

Super Swirl Removers Type SSR1 ´

I have mild swirlmarks, few scratches and couple of problematic areas (some clearcoat overspray after respray).

I would first use SSR1. Maybe whole car or at least the problematic areas. Then Pro Polish and afterwards couple of coats of EX-P and then finally Natty. Is that correct procedure?

How long should I wait between each EX-P? How long between EX-P -> Natty?

How do I maintain the finish? Reapply Natty after few weeks or should I also reapply EX-P?

Any other tips? Should I use SnG QD for moisturing the MF pad for any of the products?

Never tried any of PB`s products so all tips and help would be greatly appreciated.


08-03-2006, 02:42 AM
Audi clear is pretty hard so I`m thinking youre going to need more then just SSR1. If you don`t want to get anything else and attack it with what you have, I`d go: SSR1 > PP > EX-P > Natty`s

08-03-2006, 02:54 AM
Wouldn`t EX with Carnuba be better than EX-P on a black car?


08-03-2006, 03:34 AM
Specific order if you used the products you have is:


Pro Polish



Maintain with Spray and Gloss.

Add Natty`s as you like but not EX-P over Natty`s.

12-24 hr`s for EX-P to cure between layers and/or if topping with Natty`s but you can double check that time with Steve at PB`s if you`d like. That seems to be the concensus.

Reapply EX-P when you decide to polish again. Sealants generally do not go over carnauba`s.

As others have said, you may require a stronger abrasive than SSR 1 for defect removal.

Are you trying to do this by hand???

You can prime the pad with the QD.

08-03-2006, 06:45 PM
I`d prefer to go with SSR2. SSR1 isn`t strong enough to remove swirlmarks. It`s great for marring.

08-03-2006, 09:44 PM
I`d also recommend purchasing some SSR2.5

SSR 2.5





Spray and Gloss after the washess

08-04-2006, 01:03 AM
Thanks guys.

After a long thought I plan to try orbital for the first time. I have Bosch orbital which is made for sanding and have velcro-attach (5"). The OPM is 7000-11000 but only 250W so I was kinda wondering if that machine will do the job. Then I found that Bosch actually makes foam pads for it for polishing cars and local reseller told me that it has been used for that successfully by many other customers. Gonna give it a try since importing PC with 230->110V transformer will cost me over 500$ after taxes :o

I will propably first do my son`s old white Nissan just to practise and learn the job :chuckle:

First I will try SSR1 with white Bosch polishing pad and if nothing bad comes out from the operation and I see some improvement I will go with SSR2 or 2.5 next and maybe purchase some sonus pads.

Can I polish headlights and windshield with SSR1 and orbital or should I use Pro Polish?