View Full Version : Does Paint Colour Make a Difference?

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07-30-2006, 02:01 PM
This is probably a dumb question, but I`ll ask it anyway. I have always had dark coloured cars, deep reds and black are my favorites, but I have been told it easier to keep a light coloured car looking good. I will be ordering a new car soon and since I am getting older and arthritis is making it more difficult to keep my car shiny, I have been thinking of getting a lighter colour. I am not a fan of white or silver, but there are some lighter colours that I like. Is there any truth to the difference in colours.? :confused:

07-30-2006, 02:09 PM
Yes, you can literally wipe your hand across a white or silver car and have it come off black. That is how well they hide dirt. Black or dark colored cars on the other hand tend to show everything. If you want something lower maintenance you should def. go for a lighter color car. I`m sure you could find something that you would like that isn`t silver or white. The lighter you go, the better the paint hides dirt.

07-30-2006, 02:22 PM
My mom`s taurus is silver- it went several weeks without washing, and from more than a foot or so away, you couldn`t tell. Silver hides dirt and swirls the best, as far as I`ve seen.

07-30-2006, 02:23 PM
Yes, you can literally wipe your hand across a white or silver car and have it come off black. That is how well they hide dirt. Black or dark colored cars on the other hand tend to show everything. If you want something lower maintenance you should def. go for a lighter color car. I`m sure you could find something that you would like that isn`t silver or white. The lighter you go, the better the paint hides dirt.

+1 Or you could just hire an autopian to maintain your car for you. :2thumbs:

07-30-2006, 02:34 PM
Ive heard silver is good for scratches and hiding dirt. Idk about white, I figured it would show dirt real bad?

07-30-2006, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by abrcrombe

+1 Or you could just hire an autopian to maintain your car for you.

Hehe, that would be a great idea, but I still like doing it myself. I see so many silver cars around and I guess that is why. The car will be a Chrysler 300 and they have a colour called "Silver Steel" that might not be too bad. It has a blueish tint in the sun and it looks more dark grey in the shade. There are some awesome paint colours today, but I find most of them look the best in bright sunshine. Another colour that might do is "Linen Gold". It is a fairly light shade that I could live with. My question seems to be answered anyway, and I will be going to a lighter colour. Thanks guys. :2thumbs:

the other pc
07-30-2006, 02:43 PM
Dirt colored cars (very light metallic browns or beiges) are very popular around here and you can’t really tell what condition they’re in. They always look bad.

An Autopian could point out how glossy or swirled one is. 99.99% of the population couldn’t tell and couldn’t care less (which could be why they’re so popular).


07-30-2006, 03:08 PM
Highly metallic colors hide swirls pretty well. White is just an ugly color but silver is a decent compromise

07-30-2006, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by awahl63Highly metallic colors hide swirls pretty well. White is just an ugly color but silver is a decent compromise

That is interesting. I noticed that the "Brilliant Black" that the new Chrysler has is also a metallic. My current car, an 03 PT Cruiser is black and it has a lot of swirl marks. I want to make sure I don`t repeat this on my new car. Since I have been reading these forums and studying the deatil guide, I have picked up on a lot of mistakes that I have been making in my car care. My wash mitt and chamois are probably to blame for the swirl marks on the Cruiser. I am going to try out some new techniques on the old car so that I am ready for the new one. You would think after driving for 48 years and always trying to keep my car looking good, that I would know a little about taking care of it. I was surprised at how much I picked up from you all and I need to change some things. Great web-site for a lifelong car nut. Thanks everyone. :2thumbs:

07-30-2006, 05:57 PM
Highly metallic colors hide swirls pretty well. White is just an ugly color but silver is a decent compromise

+1 on that, my grandpa has a light green metallic Taurus and it hides EVERYTHING. I detail it for him once or twice a year, and I don`t think it even gets washed in between, but it still always looks decent when I see it. Light colored metallics (silver, gold, light green, etc) are about as good as it gets for hiding marring.

07-30-2006, 06:49 PM
Ya, I agree - flat colors definitely show swirls more; even the lighter colors.

07-30-2006, 09:55 PM
You guys have been a big help, I can`t wait to get the new car and use all my new info to have the best looking car on the block. :2thumbs:

07-30-2006, 10:11 PM
Highly metallic colors hide swirls pretty well. White is just an ugly color but silver is a decent compromise

I`ll argue the ugly white ... BTW white shows dirt as bad as my black one did.

07-31-2006, 12:55 AM
I`ll argue the ugly white ... BTW white shows dirt as bad as my black one did.

I agree.

White hides dust quite easily, but actual "dirt" really stands out against white. Also, if you don`t like seeing every single little bug that you`ve impacted with, stay away from white. Even a short drive in my car can make the front end look like someone opened a jar of glue on the front end and them dumped a whole bag full of pepper all over it! :mad:

On the other hand, when cleaned up, I`m not sorry in the least I chose the color I did. While it`s harder to show "depth" or wetness on white, a properly cleaned white car just seems to glow from the inside out, especially on cloudy days, or at dusk/dawn.

11-14-2010, 01:10 AM
I have a metallic kind of dark gold color paint job on my altima. It looks slick I think.

It hides dirt pretty well. My car can be filthy (by my standards atleast) and still look okay. Though Ive never gone more than a month or so without washing. It looks fantastic when detailed and still pretty good when I dont.