View Full Version : first time doing full detail...few questions

07-29-2006, 03:41 PM
Okay here is what I have to do the job... i am missing some things and need recommendations


PC 7424

5`` velcro backing plate ( http://ocdgarage.com/5vebaplp.html )

6`` foam pad kit ( http://ocdgarage.com/5vebaplp.html )

Carwash: Wool Mitt and p21s shampoo

Claybar: Pinnacle Ultra Poly Clay ( http://www.ocdgarage.com/pipocl.html )

Polish: PB ssr1 and PB ssr2.5

Sealant: Menzerna FMJ (it is a sealant right?)

Wax: P21s carnauba wax


**What towel should I buy to dry off the car after wash? I have seen a HUGE variety in prices for what appears to be the same product on many different websites. It is giving me a headache trying to decide.

**What kind of pad should i use to apply the carnauba wax? Should I just use a MF buffing bonnet like this ( http://www.autopia-carcare.com/son-dasbon6-2.html ). I am also assuming this bonnet is also used to buff out dried polish as well?

**Do i use a pad or a MF bonnet to apply the FMJ?

**For areas the PC cant reach should i simply apply and remove all the products with MF?

**My car`s paint is 15 years old and I am doing this detail to remove oxidized red paint. What polish/pad combos should I use in my polishing regimin?

**I have never used a claybar and im afraid it will take me too long to complete. I am looking to do this detail in one day bc i do not have a garage. Can this step be skipped?

Thanks in advance :2thumbs:

07-29-2006, 04:24 PM
Okay now im reading alot about how great Klasse AIO is for protecting paint on old finishes. When in the regimin would i apply it? Would it replace the PoorBoy`s polish or can i use both? Ahhh too many choices :(